remove unused logs
Closes #185 (closed)
example from indexer logs: receiver retrieved product (connect = 0 ms) (rate = 0 bytes/s) (size = 0 bytes) (time = 24 ms) from data url
The same was also appearing in the relay logs as well. I kept the log and removed all but the time statistic:
2024-08-22T17:44:46.202Z FINE thread=26 [receiver_aws_staging_comcat] receiver retrieved product id=urn:usgs-product:hv:origin:hv74419716:1724335727540 (time = 239 ms) from data url
I did notice that we have two very similar messages:
where the first is referring to the download, and the second is logged once the product is in the product storage.
Should one of these be removed?
Edited by Cloutet, Zachary J