Initial merge of v1.0 content
This pr brings in the initial content for digger v1.0. The purpose of this package is to streamline the preprocessing needed to generate input files for D-Claw simulations and the postprocessing needed to analyze the output.
Some notes here:
Note: I have had issues with gitlab CI running the tests on my repository (usgs/krbarnhart/digger), but they run correctly on my local machine, and they seem to have run in this repository.
There are three main functions: make_scoops, make_slabs, make_entrainment (listed in order of most complex to least complex).
I would recommend reviewing the package in this order:
- digger/utils (general utilities for current functionality, D-Claw prerun processing, and anticipated for ultimate postrun processing(
- digger/prerun/utils (utilities specific for prerun methods)
- digger/prerun/
- digger/prerun/
- digger/prerun/
The reason everything in digger/utils and digger/prerun/utils exists is for the final three functions. So some aspects of the utility functions may not make sense without context.
Tests are located in a parallel folder structure under tests/ data used for examples located in 'data' data used for tests located in folders with names of the test files (per pytest-datadir standard naming scheme)