__Working directory:__ `/path/to/nshmp-haz/etc/examples/6-enhanced-output`
While mean hazard is of broad interest, it can be useful to preserve individual components of a
total curve, particularly with more complex models. Execute the following to write curves for
each source type and ground motion model (GMM) used in the CONUS NSHM (downloaded and unzipped,
or cloned in the previous example - use version 5.2.0):
hazard ../../../../nshm-conus sites.geojson config.json
The config file for this example, `config.json`, specified `GMM` and `SOURCE` as
[output data types][output_types]. Note that the output curves directory now contains additional
directories of curves by source type and GMM.
[output_types]: ../../../docs/pages/
See the `nshmp-haz` documentation and javadocs for more information on source types
([docs][source_docs], [JavaDoc][source_javadoc]) and GMMs
([docs][gmm_docs], [JavaDoc][gmm_javadoc]).
[source_docs]: ../../../docs/pages/
[gmm_docs]: ./../../docs/pages/
__Results directory structure:__
└─ hazout/
│ ├─ curves-truncated.csv
│ │ │ ├─ curves.csv
│ │ │ └─ map.csv
│ │ └─ ZHAO_06_SLAB_BASIN/
│ │ ├─ curves.csv
│ │ └─ map.csv
│ │ ├─ curves.csv
│ │ └─ map.csv
│ ├─ curves.csv
│ └─ map.csv
├─ SA0P2/
│ └─ ...
└─ SA1P0/
└─ ...
#### Next: [Example 7 – Disaggregation](../7-disaggregation/
* [__Documentation Index__](../../../docs/