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package org.opensha2;

import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.APPEND;
import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool;
import static org.opensha2.util.TextUtils.NEWLINE;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.OpenOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.opensha2.calc.CalcConfig;
import org.opensha2.calc.Calcs;
import org.opensha2.calc.Hazard;
import org.opensha2.calc.Results;
import org.opensha2.calc.Site;
import org.opensha2.calc.Sites;
import org.opensha2.calc.ThreadCount;
import org.opensha2.eq.model.HazardModel;
import org.opensha2.util.Logging;


 * Compute probabilisitic seismic hazard at a {@link Site} from a
 * {@link HazardModel}.
 * @author Peter Powers
public class HazardCalc {

	 * Entry point for a hazard calculation.
	 * <p>Computing hazard curves requires at least 2, and at most 3, arguments.
	 * At a minimum, the path to a model zip file or directory and the site(s)
	 * at which to perform calculations must be specified. Under the 2-argument
	 * scenario, model initialization and calculation configuration settings are
	 * drawn from the config file that <i>must</i> reside at the root of the
	 * model directory. Sites may be defined as a string, a CSV file, or a
	 * GeoJSON file.
	 * <p>To override any default or calculation configuration settings included
	 * with the model, supply the path to another configuration file as a third
	 * argument.
	 * <p>Please refer to the nshmp-haz <a
	 * href="">wiki</a> for comprehensive
	 * descriptions of source models, configuration files, site files, and
	 * hazard calculations.</p>
	 * @see <a href="">
	 *      nshmp-haz wiki</a>
	 * @see <a
	 *      href="">
	 *      example calculations</a>
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		/* Delegate to run which has a return value for testing. */

		Optional<String> status = run(args);
		if (status.isPresent()) {

	static Optional<String> run(String[] args) {
		int argCount = args.length;

		if (argCount < 2 || argCount > 3) {
			return Optional.of(USAGE);

		try {
			Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HazardCalc.class.getName());
			Path tempLog = createTempLog();
			FileHandler fh = new FileHandler(tempLog.getFileName().toString());
			fh.setFormatter(new Logging.ConsoleFormatter());
			log.getParent().addHandler(fh); + ": initializing...");
			Path modelPath = Paths.get(args[0]);
			HazardModel model = HazardModel.load(modelPath);

			CalcConfig config = model.config();
			if (argCount == 3) {
				Path userConfigPath = Paths.get(args[2]);
				config = CalcConfig.Builder.copyOf(model.config())
			Iterable<Site> sites = readSites(args[1], log);"Sites: " + sites);

			Path out = calc(model, config, sites, log);
			// transfer log and write config
			Files.move(tempLog, out.resolve(PROGRAM + ".log"));
			config.write(out); + ": finished");
			return Optional.absent();

		} catch (Exception e) {
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
				.append(PROGRAM + ": error").append(NEWLINE)
				.append(" Arguments: ").append(Arrays.toString(args)).append(NEWLINE)
			return Optional.of(sb.toString());

	private static Iterable<Site> readSites(String arg, Logger log) {
		try {
			if (arg.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")) {
				Path path = Paths.get(arg);"Site file: " + path.toAbsolutePath().normalize());
				return Sites.fromCsv(path);
			if (arg.toLowerCase().endsWith(".geojson")) {
				Path path = Paths.get(arg);"Site file: " + path.toAbsolutePath().normalize());
				return Sites.fromJson(path);
			return Sites.fromString(arg);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"'sites' [" + arg + "] must either be a 3 to 7 argument, comma-delimited string " +
					"or specify a path to a *.csv or *.geojson file",

	private static final OpenOption[] WRITE_OPTIONS = new OpenOption[] {};
	private static final OpenOption[] APPEND_OPTIONS = new OpenOption[] { APPEND };

	 * Compute hazard curves using the supplied model, config, and sites. Method
	 * returns the path to the directory where results were written.
	private static Path calc(
			HazardModel model,
			CalcConfig config,
			Iterable<Site> sites,
			Logger log) throws IOException {

		ExecutorService execSvc = null;
		ThreadCount threadCount = config.performance.threadCount;
		if (threadCount != ThreadCount.ONE) {
			execSvc = newFixedThreadPool(threadCount.value());"Threads: " + ((ThreadPoolExecutor) execSvc).getCorePoolSize());
		} else {"Threads: Running on calling thread");
		Optional<Executor> executor = Optional.<Executor> fromNullable(execSvc); + ": calculating ...");
		Stopwatch batchWatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
		Stopwatch totalWatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
		int count = 0;

		List<Hazard> results = new ArrayList<>();
		boolean firstBatch = true;

		Path outDir = createOutputDir(;

		for (Site site : sites) {
			Hazard result = calc(model, config, site, executor);
			if (results.size() == config.output.flushLimit) {
				OpenOption[] opts = firstBatch ? WRITE_OPTIONS : APPEND_OPTIONS;
				firstBatch = false;
				Results.writeResults(outDir, results, opts);"     batch: " + (count + 1) + "  " + batchWatch +
					"  total: " + totalWatch);
		// write final batch
		if (!results.isEmpty()) {
			OpenOption[] opts = firstBatch ? WRITE_OPTIONS : APPEND_OPTIONS;
			Results.writeResults(outDir, results, opts);
		} + ": " + count + " complete " + totalWatch);
		if (threadCount != ThreadCount.ONE) {
		return outDir;

	/* Avoid clobbering exsting result directories via incrementing */
	private static Path createOutputDir(Path dir) {
		int i = 1;
		Path dirIncr = dir;
		while (Files.exists(dirIncr)) {
			dirIncr = dirIncr.resolveSibling(dir.getFileName() + "-" + i);
		return dirIncr;

	private static final String TMP_LOG = "nshmp-haz-log";

	private static Path createTempLog() {
		Path logBase = Paths.get(".");
		Path logIncr = logBase.resolve(TMP_LOG);
		int i = 1;
		while (Files.exists(logIncr)) {
			logIncr = logBase.resolve(TMP_LOG + "-" + i);
		return logIncr;

	 * Compute hazard curves at a {@code site} for a {@code model} and
	 * {@code config}. If an {@code executor} is supplied, it will be used to
	 * distribute tasks; otherwise, the calculation will run on the current
	 * thread. Be sure to shutdown any supplied executor after a calculation
	 * completes.
	 * <p><b>Note:</b> any model initialization settings in {@code config} will
	 * be ignored as the supplied model will already have been initialized.</p>
	 * @param model to use
	 * @param config calculation configuration
	 * @param site of interest
	 * @param executor to use ({@link Optional})
	 * @return a HazardResult
	public static Hazard calc(
			HazardModel model,
			CalcConfig config,
			Site site,
			Optional<Executor> executor) {
		try {
			return Calcs.hazard(model, config, site, executor);
		} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
			return null;

	private static final String PROGRAM = HazardCalc.class.getSimpleName();
	private static final String USAGE_COMMAND =
		"java -cp nshmp-haz.jar org.opensha2.programs.HazardCalc model sites [config]";
	private static final String USAGE_URL1 = "";
	private static final String USAGE_URL2 = "";
	private static final String SITE_STRING = "name,lon,lat[,vs30,vsInf[,z1p0,z2p5]]";

	private static final String USAGE = new StringBuilder()
		.append(PROGRAM).append(" usage:").append(NEWLINE)
		.append("  ").append(USAGE_COMMAND).append(NEWLINE)
		.append("  'model' is a model zip file or directory")
		.append("  'sites' is either:")
		.append("     - a string, e.g. ").append(SITE_STRING)
		.append("       (site class and basin terms are optional)")
		.append("       (escape any spaces or enclose string in double-quotes)")
		.append("     - or a *.csv file or *.geojson file of site data")
		.append("  'config' (optional) supplies a calculation configuration")
		.append("For more information, see:").append(NEWLINE)
		.append("  ").append(USAGE_URL1).append(NEWLINE)
		.append("  ").append(USAGE_URL2).append(NEWLINE)