Update matlab support
We are not going to support using matlab to run nshmp-haz per current files and documentation. We will support getting data from web services running remotely or locally. There are currently a variety of plots that are possible with the online tools, and these could be enhanced to be closer to publication ready over time. However, invariably, users want to make tweaks and edits, and customizations. This will be an ongoing/recurring issue as the pool of plots grow. We'll start with the most popular:
- Response spectrum plot
- Ground motion vs. Distance
- Modify existing m-file to use webread to fetch data from the response-spectrum and ground motion-v-distance services.
- Provide access to that data either by functions that read the struct or parse the response/struct into a table at the start. Probably want to have a single entrypoint m-file that has multiple code sections that a user can run to generate each type of plot.