expired on Nov 12, 2016
Code Review
This milestone consists of the issues resulting from a peer review performed on this project. The review focuses on generalized best practices in software development in order to ensure usability and ongoing maintainability of the project. This review does not include scientific verification of implemented algorithms.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Additional formatting and refactoring
- Move default site configuration to CalcConfig
- Config modifications: outputDir, threadCount, batchSize, systemPartition
- Save calculation log and copy of config used to results directory
- Add a Linter to the project
- Restructure documentation
- Add OpenSHA acknowledgement
- Move documentation to gh-pages
- Adhere to stated style guide
- Reorganize packaging
- Continuous Integration
- Add a "test" target to build.xml
- Add a code coverage solution to the project.
- Add a benchmark test suite
- Add a unit test framework to the project.
- Consider changing the argument order for HazardCalc command line usage
- Consider changing how results are handled from command-line calls.
- Models in /etc/example/model do not seem to work.