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Bug and Style checker

Clayton, Brandon Scott requested to merge (removed):lint into master
  • Added SpotBugs, Spotless, and Gradle Githook to Gradle build.
  • Updated format on files

SpotBugs (FindBugs successor)

  • Added SpotBugs to Gradle build to find common bugs to the code
  • Check main code: ./gradlew spotbugsMain
  • Check test code: ./gradlew spotbugsTest
  • spotbugsMain and spotbugsTest are ran automatically on git commit


  • Added Spotless to Gradle build to check code formatting based on the Eclipse format XML file (src/resources/nshmp.eclipse-format.xml)
  • Check code: ./gradlew spotlessCheck
  • Apply format: ./gradlew spotlessApply
  • spotlessCheck is automatically ran on Git push

Gradle Githook

  • Added Gradle Githook to allow Git hooks
Edited by Clayton, Brandon Scott

Merge request reports