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INLPO Publications as of February 2024

Treinen, Kerri Christine requested to merge (removed):develop into develop

INLPO Publication update as of February 2024

Changes made to

  1. Treinen, K.C., Trcka, A.R., and Fisher, J.C., 2024, An update of hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, eastern Snake River aquifer and perched groundwater zones, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, emphasis 2019–21: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023–5128 (DOE/ID-22261), 96 p.,

  2. Fisher, J.C., Trcka, A.R., Treinen, K.C., 2024, Datasets for the U.S. Geological Survey - Idaho National Laboratory groundwater and surface-water monitoring networks, v1.1: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

  3. Fisher, J.C., Trcka, A.R., Treinen, K.C., 2024, inldata—Collection of datasets for the U.S. Geological Survey - Idaho National Laboratory groundwater and surface-water monitoring networks, v1.1: U.S. Geological Survey software release, R package,

  4. Trcka, A.R., and Twining, B.V., 2023, Drilling, construction, geophysical data, and lithologic log for borehole USGS 144: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

  5. Trcka, A.R., and Twining, B.V., 2023, Drilling, construction, geophysical data, and lithologic log for borehole USGS 145: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

  6. Fisher, J.C., 2023, webmap—Interactive web maps using The National Map (TNM) services: U.S. Geological Survey software release, R package, Reston, Va.,

Changes made to authors.tsv

Additional changes made to

Merge request reports
