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  • Scott E. Boyce's avatar
    fix: fmp crop_data ixj input processing error · cf814b4e
    Scott E. Boyce authored
    SUBROUTINE PARSE_CROP_ROW_COL in src/fmp/crop_data.f90
    had two bugs.
    The first one occurs when using multiple crops and
    specifying the crop fraction of area with IXJ and
    there are crop fractions set to zero. The loop
    that searches the IXJ input had a hard limit
    equal to the number of times the crop is specified,
    but zero fractions are skipped causing a mismatch.
    The code was modified to use a WHILE loop that terminates
    when all the entire IXJ values have been searched.
    The second is if when specifying single crop by row and column
    with IXJ. The code determined the number of cells from the
    Fraction IXJ rather than the cell ID. This resulted in
    the code never loading IXJ specified crops that are defined
    as one crop per model cell.