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functionality to do time-series similarity calculations

Hariharan, Jayaram Athreya requested to merge similarity-measures into main

PR to add some time-series statistics functionality to enable comparisons between multiple streamflow time-series for example.

Examples/results are heatmaps of linear Pearson correlation coefficients for example:


This isn't a calculation currently done by waterwatch (and so doesn't have to make it into a final web map/app) but is kinda nice to have and I don't think it hurts to have it and some examples in the python package + documentation.

To do:

  • write unit tests for this functionality
  • pass information on common period of record used for these calculations so it can be shown on plot / known more easily
  • add additional examples w/ the other similarity measures
Edited by Hariharan, Jayaram Athreya

Merge request reports