% Please edit documentation in R/importWaterML2.r
\title{Function to return data from the WaterML2 data}
importWaterML2(obs_url, asDateTime = FALSE, tz = "")
\item{obs_url}{character containing the url for the retrieval or a file path to the data file.}
\item{asDateTime}{logical, if \code{TRUE} returns date and time as POSIXct, if \code{FALSE}, Date}
\item{tz}{character to set timezone attribute of datetime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
datetimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
"America/Anchorage","America/Honolulu","America/Jamaica","America/Managua","America/Phoenix", and "America/Metlakatla"}
mergedDF a data frame time, value, description, qualifier, and identifier
This function accepts a url parameter for a WaterML2 getObservation. This function is still under development,
but the general functionality is correct.
baseURL <- ",2.0"
URL <- paste(baseURL, "sites=01646500",
URL2 <- paste("",
dataReturned1 <- importWaterML2(URL)
dataReturn2 <- importWaterML2(URL2, TRUE)
URLmulti <- paste(baseURL,
dataReturnMulti <- importWaterML2(URLmulti)
filePath <- system.file("extdata", package="dataRetrieval")
fileName <- "WaterML2Example.xml"
fullPath <- file.path(filePath, fileName)
UserData <- importWaterML2(fullPath)