\title{Raw Data Import for USGS NWIS Data}
retrieveNWISData(siteNumber, ParameterCd, StartDate,
\item{siteNumber}{string USGS site number. This is
usually an 8 digit number}
\item{ParameterCd}{string USGS parameter code. This is
usually an 5 digit number.}
\item{StartDate}{string starting date for data retrieval
in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
\item{EndDate}{string ending date for data retrieval in
the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
\item{StatCd}{string USGS statistic code. This is usually
5 digits. Daily mean (00003) is the default.}
\item{format}{string, can be "tsv" or "xml", and is only
applicable for daily and unit value requests. "tsv"
returns results faster, but there is a possiblitiy that
an incomplete file is returned without warning. XML is
slower, but will offer a warning if the file was
incomplete (for example, if there was a momentary problem
with the internet connection). It is possible to safely
use the "tsv" option, but the user must carefully check
the results to see if the data returns matches what is
\item{interactive}{logical Option for interactive mode.
If true, there is user interaction for error handling and
data checks.}
data dataframe with agency, site, dateTime, value, and
code columns
Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets
the data from here: \url{}
A list of parameter codes can be found here:
\url{} A list
of statistic codes can be found here:
# These examples require an internet connection to run
siteNumber <- '04085427'
startDate <- '2012-01-01'
endDate <- '2012-06-30'
pCode <- "00060"
rawDailyQ <- retrieveNWISData(siteNumber,pCode, startDate, endDate)
rawDailyTemperature <- retrieveNWISData(siteNumber,'00010', startDate, endDate, StatCd='00001',interactive=FALSE)
rawDailyTemperatureTSV <- retrieveNWISData(siteNumber,'00010', startDate, endDate, StatCd='00001',format="tsv",interactive=FALSE)
Laura A DeCicco
rawDailyQAndTempMeanMax <- retrieveNWISData(siteNumber,c('00010','00060'), startDate, endDate, StatCd=c('00001','00003'), interactive=FALSE)