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readNWISunit.r 3.85 KiB
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#' Raw Data Import for Instantaneous USGS NWIS Data
#' Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
#' A list of parameter codes can be found here: \url{}
#' A list of statistic codes can be found here: \url{}
#' @param siteNumber string USGS site number.  This is usually an 8 digit number
#' @param parameterCd string USGS parameter code.  This is usually an 5 digit number.
#' @param startDate string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param endDate string ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param format string, can be "tsv" or "xml", and is only applicable for daily and unit value requests.  "tsv" returns results faster, but there is a possiblitiy that an incomplete file is returned without warning. XML is slower, 
#' but will offer a warning if the file was incomplete (for example, if there was a momentary problem with the internet connection). It is possible to safely use the "tsv" option, 
#' but the user must carefully check the results to see if the data returns matches what is expected. The default is therefore "xml". 
#' @keywords data import USGS web service
#' @return data dataframe with agency, site, dateTime, time zone, value, and code columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' siteNumber <- '05114000'
#' parameterCd <- '00060'
#' startDate <- "2014-10-10"
#' endDate <- "2014-10-10"
#' # These examples require an internet connection to run
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#' rawData <- readNWISunit(siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate)
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#' rawData2 <- readNWISunit(siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate,"tsv")
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#' timeZoneChange <- readNWISunit(c('04024430','04024000'),parameterCd,
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#'          "2013-11-03","2013-11-03","tsv")
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#' firstSite <- timeZoneChange[timeZoneChange$site_no == '04024430',]
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readNWISunit <- function (siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate,format="xml"){  
  url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate,"uv",format=format)
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  if (format == "xml" | format == "wml1") {
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    data <- importWaterML1(url,asDateTime=TRUE)
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    data <- importRDB1(url,asDateTime=TRUE)
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#' Reads peak flow data from NWISweb.
#' @param siteNumber string USGS site number.  This is usually an 8 digit number
#' @param startDate string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param endDate string ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' siteNumber <- '01594440'
#' data <- readNWISpeak(siteNumber, '','')
readNWISpeak <- function (siteNumber,startDate,endDate){  
  url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,NA,startDate,endDate,"peak")
  data <- importRDB1(url)
  return (data)

#' Reads the current rating table for an active USGS streamgage.
#' @param siteNumber string USGS site number.  This is usually an 8 digit number
#' @param type string can be "base", "corr", or "exsa"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' siteNumber <- '01594440'
#' data <- readNWISrating(siteNumber, "base")
readNWISrating <- function (siteNumber,type){  
  url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,service="rating",ratingType = type)
  data <- importRDB1(url)
  return (data)

#'Reads surface-water measurement data from NWISweb.
#' @param siteNumber string USGS site number.  This is usually an 8 digit number
#' @param startDate string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param endDate string ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' siteNumber <- '01594440'
#' data <- readNWISmeas(siteNumber, '','')
readNWISmeas <- function (siteNumber,startDate,endDate){  
  url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,NA,startDate,endDate,"meas")
  data <- importRDB1(url)
  return (data)