dataRetrieval 2.0.2
* Moved data files (parameterCdFile and pCodeToName) to hidden sysdata.rda
dataRetrieval 2.0.1
* Removed deprecated functions.
* Added siteInfo and variableInfo dataframe attributes to all data retrival functions
* Improved help files
* Added data file (pCodeToName) that shows the association of USGS parameter code to characteristicName
dataRetrieval 2.0.0
* Overhaul of function names based on initial user feedback
* Metadata attributes added to returned dataframes
* EGRET specific functions moved to EGRET
dataRetrieval 1.4.0
* Changed naming convention:
* Changed WaterML2 rbind fill from plyr function to dplyr. Removed plyr import, added dplyr.
* Updated getNWISSiteInfo to retrieve multiple site file datasets at once using a vector of siteNumbers as input argument.
* Updated error-handling for Web service calls. More information is returned when errors happen
* Added some basic processing to Water Quality Portal raw data retrievals. Date columns are returned as Date objects, value columns are numeric, and a column is created from the date/time/timezone columns that is POSIXct.
* Added very generalized NWIS and WQP retrieval functions (getNWISData, getNWISSites, getGeneralWQPData, and whatWQPsites) which allow the user to use any argument available on the Web service platform.
* Deprecated getQWData, updated readWQPdata to take either parameter code or characteristic name.
* Changed the name of raw data retrievals to: readNWISqw, getNWISunitData, getNWISdvData, and getWQPqwData (from: readNWISqw, retrieveUnitNWISData, retrieveNWISData, getRawQWData)
* Updated mergeReport to allow for Sample data with different measurements taken on the same day
* Added getNWISDataAvailability function to find measured parameters and period of record information for a requested station.
* Added constructNWISURL function to get the URL that is used to retrieve the data.
* Added getSampleSTORET function to get STORET data directly in Sample dataframe form.
* Fixed a small leap year bug by changing day of year by making Feb. 29 always 59, and March 1st always 60 (even in non-leap years).
* Improved documentation, especially example functions.
* Improved vignette for a more complete walk-through.
* Expanded the capabilities to retrieve raw data from the web services.