To discover what data is available for a particular USGS site, including measured parameters, period of record, and number of samples (count), use the \texttt{getDataAvailability} function. It is possible to limit the retrieval information to a subset of variables. In the following example, we limit the retrieved Choptank data to only daily mean parameter (excluding all unit value and water quality values).
To discover what data is available for a particular USGS site, including measured parameters, period of record, and number of samples (count), use the \texttt{getDataAvailability} function. It is possible to limit the retrieval information to a subset of types (\tttext{"}dv\tttext{"}, \tttext{"}uv\tttext{"}, or \tttext{"}qw\tttext{"}). In the following example, we limit the retrieved Choptank data to only daily data. Leaving the \tttext{"}type\tttext{"} argument blank returns all of the available data for that site.