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Commit 49bb6781 authored by Laura A DeCicco's avatar Laura A DeCicco
Browse files

Updated vignette.

parent 94a9e9e2
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1 merge request!39Overhaul of function names. Move some functionality to EGRET.
......@@ -30,4 +30,6 @@ Suggests:
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
VignetteBuilder: knitr
BuildVignettes: true
......@@ -258,120 +258,11 @@ nrow(dischargeWI)
# characteristicName="pH")
## ----ThirdExample-----------------------------------------
parameterCd <- "00618"
INFO <- getNWISInfo(siteNumber,parameterCd, interactive=FALSE)
## ----WQPInfo, eval=FALSE----------------------------------
# parameterCd <- "00618"
# INFO_WQP <- getWQPInfo("USGS-01491000",parameterCd)
## ----addInfo, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE------------------------
INFO$riverInfo <- "Major tributary of the Chesapeake Bay"
INFO$GreensboroPopulation <- 1931
## ----firstExample-----------------------------------------
siteNumber <- "01491000"
startDate <- "2000-01-01"
endDate <- "2013-01-01"
# This call will get NWIS (ft3/s) data , and convert it to m3/s:
Daily <- getNWISDaily(siteNumber, "00060", startDate, endDate)
## ----colNamesDaily, echo=FALSE,results='asis'-------------
ColumnName <- c("Date", "Q", "Julian","Month","Day","DecYear","MonthSeq","Qualifier","i","LogQ","Q7","Q30")
Type <- c("Date", "number", "number","integer","integer","number","integer","string","integer","number","number","number")
Description <- c("Date", "Discharge in m$^3$/s", "Number of days since January 1, 1850", "Month of the year [1-12]", "Day of the year [1-366]", "Decimal year", "Number of months since January 1, 1850", "Qualifying code", "Index of days, starting with 1", "Natural logarithm of Q", "7 day running average of Q", "30 day running average of Q")
Units <- c("date", "m$^3$/s","days", "months","days","years","months", "character","days","numeric","m$^3$/s","m$^3$/s")
DF <- data.frame(ColumnName,Type,Description,Units)
print(xtable(DF, caption="Daily dataframe",label="tab:DailyDF1"),
size = "\\footnotesize",
sanitize.text.function = function(x) {x},
sanitize.colnames.function = bold.colHeaders,
sanitize.rownames.function = addSpace
## ----secondExample----------------------------------------
parameterCd <- "00618"
Sample <-getNWISSample(siteNumber,parameterCd,
startDate, endDate)
## ----STORET,echo=TRUE,eval=FALSE--------------------------
# site <- 'WIDNR_WQX-10032762'
# characteristicName <- 'Specific conductance'
# Sample <-getWQPSample(site,characteristicName,
# startDate, endDate)
## ----label=tab:exampleComplexQW, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE,results='asis'----
cdate <- c("2003-02-15","2003-06-30","2004-09-15","2005-01-30","2005-05-30","2005-10-30")
rdp <- c("", "<","<","","","")
dp <- c(0.02,0.01,0.005,NA,NA,NA)
rpp <- c("", "","<","","","")
pp <- c(0.5,0.3,0.2,NA,NA,NA)
rtp <- c("","","","","<","<")
tp <- c(NA,NA,NA,0.43,0.05,0.02)
DF <- data.frame(cdate,rdp,dp,rpp,pp,rtp,tp,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
xTab <- xtable(DF, caption="Example data",digits=c(0,0,0,3,0,3,0,3),label="tab:exampleComplexQW")
size = "\\footnotesize",
sanitize.colnames.function = bold.colHeaders,
sanitize.rownames.function = addSpace
## ----thirdExample,echo=FALSE------------------------------
compressedData <- compressData(DF)
Sample <- populateSampleColumns(compressedData)
## ----thirdExampleView,echo=TRUE---------------------------
## ----openDaily, eval = FALSE------------------------------
# fileName <- "ChoptankRiverFlow.txt"
# filePath <- "C:/RData/"
# Daily <-getFileDaily(filePath,fileName,
# separator="\t")
## ----openSample, eval = FALSE-----------------------------
# fileName <- "ChoptankRiverNitrate.csv"
# filePath <- "C:/RData/"
# Sample <-getUserSample(filePath,fileName,
# separator=",")
## ----openSample2, eval = FALSE----------------------------
# fileName <- "ChoptankPhosphorus.txt"
# filePath <- "C:/RData/"
# Sample <-getUserSample(filePath,fileName,
# separator="\t")
## ----mergeExample-----------------------------------------
siteNumber <- "01491000"
parameterCd <- "00631" # Nitrate
startDate <- "2000-01-01"
endDate <- "2013-01-01"
Daily <- getNWISDaily(siteNumber, "00060", startDate, endDate)
Sample <- getNWISSample(siteNumber,parameterCd, startDate, endDate)
Sample <- mergeReport(Daily,Sample)
## ----helpFunc,eval = FALSE--------------------------------
# ?removeDuplicates
# ?getNWISPcodeInfo
## ----rawFunc,eval = TRUE----------------------------------
## ----seeVignette,eval = FALSE-----------------------------
# vignette(dataRetrieval)
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