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Commit 597f49e1 authored by Laura A DeCicco's avatar Laura A DeCicco
Browse files

Merge pull request #155 from ldecicco-USGS/master

Clean up getWebService calls
parents b8d3388d cb6ffa58
No related branches found
Tags 2.4.2
No related merge requests found
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#' \code{\link[RCurl]{getURI}} with more informative error messages.
#' @param obs_url character containing the url for the retrieval
#' @param \dots information to pass to header request
#' @import RCurl
#' @export
#' @return raw data from web services
......@@ -17,10 +18,10 @@
#' \dontrun{
#' rawData <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
#' }
getWebServiceData <- function(obs_url){
getWebServiceData <- function(obs_url, ...){
possibleError <- tryCatch({
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
returnedDoc <- getURI(obs_url, headerfunction = h$update, encoding='gzip')
returnedDoc <- getURI(obs_url, headerfunction = h$update, ...)
}, warning = function(w) {
warning(w, "with url:", obs_url)
}, error = function(e) {
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ importRDB1 <- function(obs_url, asDateTime=TRUE, convertType = TRUE, tz=""){
doc <- obs_url
} else {
doc <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
doc <- getWebServiceData(obs_url, encoding='gzip')
if("warn" %in% names(attr(doc,"header"))){
data <- data.frame()
attr(data, "header") <- attr(doc,"header")
......@@ -50,107 +50,106 @@ importWQP <- function(obs_url, zip=FALSE, tz=""){
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
httpHEAD(obs_url, headerfunction = h$update)
headerInfo <- h$value()
if(headerInfo['status'] == "200"){
temp <- tempfile()
options(timeout = 120)
possibleError <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(download.file(obs_url,temp, quiet=TRUE, mode='wb'))
error = function(e) {
stop(e, "with url:", obs_url)
doc <- temp
} else {
doc <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
headerInfo <- attr(doc, "headerInfo")
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Result-Count"])
sitesToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Site-Count"])
totalReturned <- sum(numToBeReturned, sitesToBeReturned,na.rm = TRUE)
if( | numToBeReturned == 0){
if( | totalReturned == 0){
for(i in grep("Warning",names(headerInfo))){
temp <- tempfile()
options(timeout = 120)
possibleError <- tryCatch({
suppressWarnings(download.file(obs_url,temp, quiet=TRUE, mode='wb'))
error = function(e) {
stop(e, "with url:", obs_url)
doc <- unzip(temp)
retval <- read_delim(doc,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
`ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
ResultMeasureValue = col_number()),
quote = "", delim = "\t")
} else {
retval <- read_delim(obs_url,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
`ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
ResultMeasureValue = col_number()),
quote = "", delim = "\t")
} else {
stop("Status:", headerInfo['status'], ": ", headerInfo['statusMessage'], "\nFor: ", obs_url)
} else {
doc <- obs_url
doc <- unzip(doc)
retval <- suppressWarnings(read_delim(doc,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
`ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
ResultMeasureValue = col_number(),
`WellDepthMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`HUCEightDigitCode` = col_character()),
quote = "", delim = "\t"))
} else {
retval <- suppressWarnings(read_delim(doc,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
`ActivityDepthHeightMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`DetectionQuantitationLimitMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
ResultMeasureValue = col_number(),
`WellDepthMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`WellHoleDepthMeasure/MeasureValue` = col_number(),
`HUCEightDigitCode` = col_character()),
quote = "", delim = "\t"))
if(!file.exists(obs_url) & !zip){
actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
} else {
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned & actualNumReturned != sitesToBeReturned){
warning(totalReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
if(length(grep("ActivityStartTime",names(retval))) > 0){
doc <- unzip(obs_url)
retval <- read_delim(obs_url,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
quote = "", delim = "\t")
} else {
retval <- read_delim(obs_url,
col_types = cols(`ActivityStartTime/Time` = col_character(),
`ActivityEndTime/Time` = col_character(),
USGSPCode = col_character(),
quote = "", delim = "\t")
offsetLibrary <- data.frame(offset=c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10, 0, 0),
code=c("EST","EDT","CST","CDT","MST","MDT","PST","PDT","AKST","AKDT","HAST","HST","", NA),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
retval <- left_join(retval, offsetLibrary, by=c("ActivityStartTime/TimeZoneCode"="code"))
names(retval)[names(retval) == "offset"] <- "timeZoneStart"
retval <- left_join(retval, offsetLibrary, by=c("ActivityEndTime/TimeZoneCode"="code"))
names(retval)[names(retval) == "offset"] <- "timeZoneEnd"
dateCols <- c("ActivityStartDate","ActivityEndDate","AnalysisStartDate","PreparationStartDate")
retval <- suppressWarnings(mutate_each_(retval, ~as.Date(parse_date_time(., c("Ymd", "mdY"))), dateCols))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityStartDateTime=~paste(ActivityStartDate, `ActivityStartTime/Time`))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityEndDateTime=~paste(ActivityEndDate, `ActivityEndTime/Time`))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityStartDateTime=~fast_strptime(ActivityStartDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+60*60*timeZoneStart)
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityEndDateTime=~fast_strptime(ActivityEndDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+60*60*timeZoneStart)
retval <- select_(retval, ~-timeZoneEnd, ~-timeZoneStart)
offsetLibrary <- data.frame(offset=c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10, 0, 0),
code=c("EST","EDT","CST","CDT","MST","MDT","PST","PDT","AKST","AKDT","HAST","HST","", NA),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
retval <- left_join(retval, offsetLibrary, by=c("ActivityStartTime/TimeZoneCode"="code"))
names(retval)[names(retval) == "offset"] <- "timeZoneStart"
retval <- left_join(retval, offsetLibrary, by=c("ActivityEndTime/TimeZoneCode"="code"))
names(retval)[names(retval) == "offset"] <- "timeZoneEnd"
dateCols <- c("ActivityStartDate","ActivityEndDate","AnalysisStartDate","PreparationStartDate")
retval <- suppressWarnings(mutate_each_(retval, ~as.Date(parse_date_time(., c("Ymd", "mdY"))), dateCols))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityStartDateTime=~paste(ActivityStartDate, `ActivityStartTime/Time`))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityEndDateTime=~paste(ActivityEndDate, `ActivityEndTime/Time`))
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityStartDateTime=~fast_strptime(ActivityStartDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+60*60*timeZoneStart)
retval <- mutate_(retval, ActivityEndDateTime=~fast_strptime(ActivityEndDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+60*60*timeZoneStart)
retval <- select_(retval, ~-timeZoneEnd, ~-timeZoneStart)
names(retval)[grep("/",names(retval))] <- gsub("/",".",names(retval)[grep("/",names(retval))])
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ importWaterML1 <- function(obs_url,asDateTime=FALSE, tz=""){
rawData <- obs_url
} else {
rawData <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
rawData <- getWebServiceData(obs_url, encoding='gzip')
returnedDoc <- xmlTreeParse(rawData, getDTD = FALSE, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ whatNWISsites <- function(...){
urlCall <- drURL('waterservices',Access=pkg.env$access, format="mapper", arg.list = values)
rawData <- getWebServiceData(urlCall)
rawData <- getWebServiceData(urlCall, encoding='gzip')
doc <- xmlTreeParse(rawData, getDTD = FALSE, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
......@@ -98,41 +98,10 @@ whatWQPsites <- function(...){
"&mimeType=tsv&sorted=no",sep = "")
doc <- getWebServiceData(urlCall)
headerInfo <- attr(doc, "headerInfo")
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Site-Count"])
retval <- importWQP(urlCall)
retval$queryTime <- Sys.time()
if (! & numToBeReturned != 0){
retval <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE,
dec=".", sep='\t', quote="",
fill = TRUE)
actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sites were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
if("LatitudeMeasure" %in% names(retval)){
retval$LatitudeMeasure <- as.numeric(retval$LatitudeMeasure)
if("LongitudeMeasure" %in% names(retval)){
retval$LongitudeMeasure <- as.numeric(retval$LongitudeMeasure)
retval$queryTime <- Sys.time()
} else {
if(headerInfo['Total-Site-Count'] == "0"){
warning("No data returned")
for(i in grep("Warning",names(headerInfo))){
......@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
\title{Function to return data from web services}
getWebServiceData(obs_url, ...)
\item{obs_url}{character containing the url for the retrieval}
\item{\dots}{information to pass to header request}
raw data from web services
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