While the dataRetreival package is in development (and not on CRAN), the zoo package must first be manually installed. To install the dataRetrieval package, you must be using R 3.0 or greater and run the following commands:
While the dataRetreival package is in development (and not on CRAN), the zoo package must first be manually installed. To install the dataRetrieval package, you must be using R 3.0 or greater and run the following commands:
It is a good idea to re-start R after installing the package, especially if installing an updated version. Some users have found it necessary to delete the previous version's package folder before installing newer version of dataRetrieval. If you are experiencing issues after updating a package, trying deleting the package folder - the default location for Windows is something like:
It is a good idea to re-start R after installing the package, especially if installing an updated version. Some users have found it necessary to delete the previous version's package folder before installing newer version of dataRetrieval. If you are experiencing issues after updating a package, trying deleting the package folder - the default location for Windows is something like: