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Commit 70234feb authored by Laura A DeCicco's avatar Laura A DeCicco
Browse files

Merge pull request #151 from ldecicco-USGS/master

readr for importRDB1
parents ed2ebcde 37355886
No related branches found
Tags v2.4.1
No related merge requests found
Package: dataRetrieval
Type: Package
Title: Retrieval Functions for USGS and EPA Hydrologic and Water Quality Data
Version: 2.4.0
Date: 2015-10-14
Version: 2.4.1
Date: 2015-11-25
Authors@R: c( person("Robert", "Hirsch", role = c("aut"),
email = ""),
person("Laura", "DeCicco", role = c("aut","cre"),
......@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ importFrom(plyr,rbind.fill.matrix)
dataRetrieval 2.4.0
* Package readr now used for tab delimited parsing
* readr functions used to determine column types. Mostly, this produces the same results.
* In the case where there is text in a numeric column (specified by the RDB header), these now remain characters (previously was converted to numeric)
* Columns that come back from web services as integers remain integers (previously was converted to numeric)
* Added reported time zone code information. dateTime columns by default get converted to UTC, but the original time zone code (tz_cd for instance) is appended to the data frame.
dataRetrieval 2.3.0
* Converted all Water Quality Portal queries to sorted=no to greatly improve retrieval times
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#' @param obs_url character containing the url for the retrieval or a file path to the data file.
#' @param asDateTime logical, if \code{TRUE} returns date and time as POSIXct, if \code{FALSE}, Date
#' @param qw logical, if \code{TRUE} parses as water quality data (where dates/times are in start and end times)
#' @param tz character to set timezone attribute of datetime. Default is an empty quote, which converts the
#' datetimes to UTC (properly accounting for daylight savings times based on the data's provided tz_cd column).
#' Possible values to provide are "America/New_York","America/Chicago", "America/Denver","America/Los_Angeles",
......@@ -46,6 +45,8 @@
#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @examples
#' siteNumber <- "02177000"
#' startDate <- "2012-09-01"
......@@ -67,10 +68,10 @@
#' qwURL <- constructNWISURL(c('04024430','04024000'),
#' c('34247','30234','32104','34220'),
#' "2010-11-03","","qw",format="rdb")
#' qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, qw=TRUE, tz="America/Chicago")
#' qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, asDateTime=TRUE, tz="America/Chicago")
#' iceSite <- '04024000'
#' start <- "2014-11-09"
#' end <- "2014-11-28"
#' start <- "2015-11-09"
#' end <- "2015-11-24"
#' urlIce <- constructNWISURL(iceSite,"00060",start, end,"uv",format="tsv")
#' ice <- importRDB1(urlIce, asDateTime=TRUE)
#' iceNoConvert <- importRDB1(urlIce, convertType=FALSE)
......@@ -81,25 +82,24 @@
#' fullPath <- file.path(filePath, fileName)
#' importUserRDB <- importRDB1(fullPath)
importRDB1 <- function(obs_url, asDateTime=FALSE, qw=FALSE, convertType = TRUE, tz=""){
importRDB1 <- function(obs_url, asDateTime=TRUE, convertType = TRUE, tz=""){
if(tz != ""){
tz <- match.arg(tz, c("America/New_York","America/Chicago",
doc <- obs_url
} else {
rawData <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
doc <- textConnection(rawData)
if("warn" %in% names(attr(rawData,"header"))){
doc <- getWebServiceData(obs_url)
if("warn" %in% names(attr(doc,"header"))){
data <- data.frame()
attr(data, "header") <- attr(rawData,"header")
attr(data, "header") <- attr(doc,"header")
attr(data, "url") <- obs_url
attr(data, "queryTime") <- Sys.time()
......@@ -107,175 +107,118 @@ importRDB1 <- function(obs_url, asDateTime=FALSE, qw=FALSE, convertType = TRUE,
tmp <- read.delim(
header = TRUE,
fill = TRUE,
fileVecChar <- scan(obs_url, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet=TRUE)
pndIndx<-regexpr("^#", fileVecChar)
hdr <- fileVecChar[pndIndx > 0L] <- read_lines(doc)
total.rows <- length(
readr.meta <-[grep("^#",]
meta.rows <- length(readr.meta)
header.names <- strsplit([meta.rows+1],"\t")[[1]]
if(convertType){ <- suppressWarnings(read_delim(doc, skip = (meta.rows+2),delim="\t",col_names = FALSE))
} else { <- suppressWarnings(read_delim(doc, skip = (meta.rows+2),delim="\t",col_names = FALSE, col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
dataType <- tmp[1,]
data <- tmp[-1,]
names( <- header.names
comment( <- readr.meta <-
#This will break if the 2nd (or greater) site has more columns than the first
#Therefore, using RDB is not recommended for multi-site queries.
#This correction will work if each site has the same number of columns
multiSiteCorrections <- -which(as.logical(apply(data[,1:2], 1, FUN=function(x) all(x %in% as.character(dataType[,1:2])))))
if(length(multiSiteCorrections) > 0){
data <- data[multiSiteCorrections,]
findRowsWithHeaderInfo <- as.integer(apply(data[,1:2], 1, FUN = function(x) if(x[1] == names(data)[1] & x[2] == names(data)[2]) 1 else 0))
findRowsWithHeaderInfo <- which(findRowsWithHeaderInfo == 0)
data <- data[findRowsWithHeaderInfo,]
offsetLibrary <- data.frame(offset=c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (asDateTime & convertType){
# The suppressed warning occurs when there is text (such as ice) in the numeric column:
data[,grep('n$', dataType)] <- suppressWarnings(sapply(data[,grep('n$', dataType)], function(x) as.numeric(x)))
header.suffix <- sapply(strsplit(header.names,"_"), function(x)x[length(x)])
header.base <- substr(header.names,1,nchar(header.names)-3)
numberColumns <- grep("_va",names(data))
data[,numberColumns] <- sapply(data[,numberColumns],as.numeric)
intColumns <- grep("_nu",names(data))
if("current_rating_nu" %in% names(data)){
intColumns <- intColumns[!("current_rating_nu" %in% names(data)[intColumns])]
data$current_rating_nu <- gsub(" ", "", data$current_rating_nu)
data[,intColumns] <- sapply(data[,intColumns],as.integer)
if(length(grep('d$', dataType)) > 0){
if (asDateTime & !qw){
if("tz_cd" %in% names(data)){
offset <- left_join(data[,"tz_cd",drop=FALSE],offsetLibrary, by="tz_cd")
offset <- offset$offset
offset[] <- median(offset, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
offset <- 0
# offset[] <- 0
rawDateTimes <- data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0]
data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0] <- as.POSIXct(data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz = "UTC")
if(any([,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0]))){ <- names(data)[regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0] <- gsub("_dt","",
data[,paste(,"date","reported",sep = "_")] <- as.Date(substr(rawDateTimes,1,10))
data[,paste(,"tm","reported",sep = "_")] <- substr(rawDateTimes,12,nchar(rawDateTimes))
data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0] <- data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0] + offset*60*60
data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0] <- as.POSIXct(data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0])
data$tz_cd_reported <- data$tz_cd
for(i in unique(header.base[header.suffix %in% c("dt","tm")])){
if(all(c(paste0(i,"_dt"),paste0(i,"_tm")) %in% header.names)){
varname <- paste0(i,"_dateTime")
if(tz != ""){
attr(data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0], "tzone") <- tz
data$tz_cd <- rep(tz, nrow(data))
} else {
attr(data[,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0], "tzone") <- "UTC"
data$tz_cd[![,regexpr('d$', dataType) > 0])] <- "UTC"
} else if (qw){
varval <- as.POSIXct(paste([,paste0(i,"_dt")],[,paste0(i,"_tm")]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz = "UTC")[,varname] <- varval
if("sample_start_time_datum_cd" %in% names(data)){
timeZoneStartOffset <- left_join(data[,"sample_start_time_datum_cd",drop=FALSE],offsetLibrary,
timeZoneStartOffset <- timeZoneStartOffset$offset
timeZoneStartOffset[] <- 0
} else {
timeZoneStartOffset <- 0
} <- paste0(i,"_time_datum_cd")
composite <- "sample_end_time_datum_cd" %in% names(data)
timeZoneEndOffset <- left_join(data[,"sample_end_time_datum_cd",drop=FALSE],offsetLibrary,
timeZoneEndOffset <- timeZoneEndOffset$offset
timeZoneEndOffset[] <- 0
} else {
if(any(data$sample_end_dt != "") & any(data$sample_end_dm != "")){
if(which(data$sample_end_dt != "") == which(data$sample_end_dm != "")){
composite <- TRUE
timeZoneEndOffset <- 0
if( %in% header.names){ <- convertTZ(,,varname,tz)
if("sample_dt" %in% names(data)){
if(any(data$sample_dt != "")){
suppressWarnings(data$sample_dt <- as.Date(parse_date_time(data$sample_dt, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
} <- paste0(i,"_tz_cd")
if("sample_end_dt" %in% names(data)){
if(any(data$sample_end_dt != "")){
suppressWarnings(data$sample_end_dt <- as.Date(parse_date_time(data$sample_end_dt, c("Ymd", "mdY"))))
data$startDateTime <- with(data, as.POSIXct(paste(sample_dt, sample_tm),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz = "UTC"))
data$startDateTime <- data$startDateTime + timeZoneStartOffset*60*60
data$startDateTime <- as.POSIXct(data$startDateTime)
if(tz != ""){
attr(data$startDateTime, "tzone") <- tz
data$tz_cd <- rep(tz, nrow(data))
} else {
attr(data$startDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
data$tz_cd[!$startDateTime)] <- "UTC"
data$endDateTime <- with(data, as.POSIXct(paste(sample_end_dt, sample_end_tm),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tz = "UTC"))
data$endDateTime <- data$endDateTime + timeZoneEndOffset*60*60
data$endDateTime <- as.POSIXct(data$endDateTime)
if(tz != ""){
attr(data$endDateTime, "tzone") <- tz
} else {
attr(data$endDateTime, "tzone") <- "UTC"
} else {
for (i in grep('d$', dataType)){
if (all(data[,i] != "")){
data[,i] <- as.character(data[,i])
if( %in% header.names){ <- convertTZ(,,varname,tz)
if("tz_cd" %in% header.names){
date.time.cols <- which(sapply(, function(x) inherits(x, "POSIXct"))) <- convertTZ(,"tz_cd",date.time.cols,tz)
if("sample_start_time_datum_cd" %in% header.names){ <- convertTZ(,"sample_start_time_datum_cd","sample_dateTime",tz)
if(!("sample_end_time_datum_cd" %in% header.names) & "sample_end_dateTime" %in% names({ <- convertTZ(,"sample_start_time_datum_cd_reported","sample_end_dateTime",tz)$sample_start_time_datum_cd_reported<-$sample_start_time_datum_cd_reported_reported$sample_start_time_datum_cd_reported_reported <- NULL
names([names( == "sample_dateTime"] <- "startDateTime"
names([names( == "sample_end_dateTime"] <- "endDateTime"
row.names(data) <- NULL
if("site_no" %in% header.names){
if(class($site_no) != "character"){$site_no <- as.character($site_no)
names(data) <- make.names(names(data))
row.names( <- NULL
names( <- make.names(names(
comment(data) <- hdr
attr(data, "url") <- obs_url
attr(data, "queryTime") <- Sys.time()
attr(, "url") <- obs_url
attr(, "queryTime") <- Sys.time()
attr(data, "header") <- attr(rawData, "header")
attr(, "header") <- attr(doc, "header")
convertTZ <- function(df,, date.time.cols, tz){
offsetLibrary <- data.frame(offset=c(5, 4, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8, 10, 10, 0, 0),
code=c("EST","EDT","CST","CDT","MST","MDT","PST","PDT","AKST","AKDT","HAST","HST","", NA),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
offset <- left_join(df[,,drop=FALSE],offsetLibrary, by=setNames("code",
offset <- offset$offset
df[,paste0(,"_reported")] <- df[,,drop=FALSE]
df[,date.time.cols] <- df[,date.time.cols] + offset*60*60
df[,date.time.cols] <- as.POSIXct(df[,date.time.cols])
if(tz != ""){
attr(df[,date.time.cols], "tzone") <- tz
df[,] <- tz
} else {
attr(df[,date.time.cols], "tzone") <- "UTC"
df[![,date.time.cols]),] <- "UTC"
reported.col <- which(names(df) %in% paste0(,"_reported"))
orig.col <- which(names(df) %in%
new.order <- 1:ncol(df)
new.order[orig.col] <- reported.col
new.order[reported.col] <- orig.col
df <- df[,new.order]
......@@ -55,22 +55,24 @@ importWQP <- function(obs_url, zip=FALSE, tz=""){
httpHEAD(obs_url, headerfunction = h$update)
headerInfo <- h$value()
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Result-Count"])
if(headerInfo['Total-Result-Count'] == "0"){
warning("No data returned")
if( | numToBeReturned == 0){
for(i in grep("Warning",names(headerInfo))){
if(headerInfo['status'] == "200"){
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(headerInfo["Total-Result-Count"])
if(headerInfo['Total-Result-Count'] == "0"){
warning("No data returned")
if( | numToBeReturned == 0){
for(i in grep("Warning",names(headerInfo))){
temp <- tempfile()
options(timeout = 120)
......@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ readNWISdata <- function(service="dv", ...){
if(format == "rdb"){
possibleError <- tryCatch({
retval <- importRDB1(urlCall, asDateTime = (service == "qwdata"),
qw = (service == "qwdata"), tz = tz)
retval <- importRDB1(urlCall, asDateTime = (service == "qwdata"), tz = tz)
}, error = function(e) {
stop(e, "with url:", urlCall)
......@@ -203,7 +202,6 @@ readNWISdata <- function(service="dv", ...){
retval$tz_cd <- rep(tz, nrow(retval))
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ readNWISpCode <- function(parameterCd){
if(any(parameterCd == "all")){
fullURL <- ""
fullPcodeDownload <- importRDB1(fullURL)
fullPcodeDownload <- importRDB1(fullURL, asDateTime = FALSE)
} else {
......@@ -131,8 +131,13 @@ readNWISqw <- function (siteNumbers,parameterCd,startDate="",endDate="",
data <- importRDB1(url,asDateTime=TRUE, qw=TRUE, tz = tz)
originalHeader <- comment(data)
data <- importRDB1(url,asDateTime=TRUE, tz = tz)
url <- attr(data, "url")
comment <- attr(data, "comment")
queryTime <- attr(data, "queryTime")
header <- attr(data, "header")
parameterCd <- unique(data$parm_cd)
......@@ -141,7 +146,8 @@ readNWISqw <- function (siteNumbers,parameterCd,startDate="",endDate="",
"parm_cd","startDateTime","endDateTime","coll_ent_cd", "medium_cd","project_cd",
"aqfr_cd","tu_id","body_part_id", "hyd_cond_cd", "samp_type_cd",
measureCols <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% columnsToMelt)]
columnsToMelt <- names(data)[(names(data) %in% columnsToMelt)]
dataWithPcodes <- data[data$parm_cd != "",]
......@@ -156,7 +162,7 @@ readNWISqw <- function (siteNumbers,parameterCd,startDate="",endDate="",
pCodesReturned <- unique(dataWithPcodes$parm_cd)
groupByPCode <- as.vector(sapply(pCodesReturned, function(x) grep(x, names(wideDF)) ))
data <- wideDF[,c(which(names(wideDF) %in% columnsToMelt),groupByPCode)]
comment(data) <- originalHeader
} else {
warning("Reshape can only be used with expanded data. Reshape request will be ignored.")
......@@ -172,8 +178,12 @@ readNWISqw <- function (siteNumbers,parameterCd,startDate="",endDate="",
attr(data, "siteInfo") <- siteInfo
attr(data, "variableInfo") <- varInfo
attr(data, "statisticInfo") <- NULL
attr(data, "url") <- url
attr(data, "queryTime") <- Sys.time()
attr(data, "comment") <- comment
attr(data, "queryTime") <- queryTime
attr(data, "header") <- header
return (data)
......@@ -123,13 +123,14 @@ readNWISuv <- function (siteNumbers,parameterCd,startDate="",endDate="", tz=""){
#' siteNumbers <- c('01594440','040851325')
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- readNWISpeak(siteNumbers)
#' data2 <- readNWISpeak(siteNumbers, asDateTime=FALSE)
#' }
readNWISpeak <- function (siteNumbers,startDate="",endDate="", asDateTime=TRUE){
# Doesn't seem to be a peak xml service
url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumbers,NA,startDate,endDate,"peak")
data <- importRDB1(url, asDateTime=FALSE)
data <- importRDB1(url, asDateTime=asDateTime)
if(nrow(data) > 0){
......@@ -204,6 +205,11 @@ readNWISrating <- function (siteNumber,type="base"){
data <- importRDB1(url, asDateTime=FALSE)
if("current_rating_nu" %in% names(data)){
intColumns <- intColumns[!("current_rating_nu" %in% names(data)[intColumns])]
data$current_rating_nu <- gsub(" ", "", data$current_rating_nu)
if(nrow(data) > 0){
if(type == "base") {
Rat <- grep("//RATING ", comment(data), value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)
......@@ -267,6 +273,7 @@ readNWISrating <- function (siteNumber,type="base"){
#' siteNumbers <- c('01594440','040851325')
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- readNWISmeas(siteNumbers)
#' Meas05316840 <- readNWISmeas("05316840")
#' }
readNWISmeas <- function (siteNumbers,startDate="",endDate="", tz=""){
......@@ -280,9 +287,31 @@ readNWISmeas <- function (siteNumbers,startDate="",endDate="", tz=""){
data$diff_from_rating_pc <- as.numeric(data$diff_from_rating_pc)
url <- attr(data, "url")
comment <- attr(data, "comment")
queryTime <- attr(data, "queryTime")
header <- attr(data, "header")
data$measurement_dateTime <- data$measurement_dt
data$measurement_dt <- as.Date(data$measurement_dateTime)
data$measurement_tm <- strftime(data$measurement_dateTime, "%H:%M")
data$measurement_tm[$tz_cd_reported)] <- ""
indexDT <- which("measurement_dt" == names(data))
indexTZ <- which("tz_cd" == names(data))
indexTM <- which("measurement_tm" == names(data))
indexTZrep <- which("tz_cd_reported" == names(data))
newOrder <- c(1:indexDT,indexTM,indexTZrep,c((indexDT+1):ncol(data))[!(c((indexDT+1):ncol(data)) %in% c(indexTZrep,indexTM))])
data <- data[,newOrder]
siteInfo <- readNWISsite(siteNumbers)
siteInfo <- left_join(unique(data[,c("agency_cd","site_no")]),siteInfo, by=c("agency_cd","site_no"))
attr(data, "url") <- url
attr(data, "comment") <- comment
attr(data, "queryTime") <- queryTime
attr(data, "header") <- header
attr(data, "siteInfo") <- siteInfo
attr(data, "variableInfo") <- NULL
attr(data, "statisticInfo") <- NULL
......@@ -342,7 +371,7 @@ readNWISmeas <- function (siteNumbers,startDate="",endDate="", tz=""){
readNWISgwl <- function (siteNumbers,startDate="",endDate=""){
url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumbers,NA,startDate,endDate,"gwlevels",format="tsv")
data <- importRDB1(url,asDateTime=FALSE)
data <- importRDB1(url,asDateTime=TRUE)
if(nrow(data) > 0){
data$lev_dt <- as.Date(data$lev_dt)
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
#' url2 <- constructNWISURL(siteWithTwo, "00060",startDate,endDate,'dv')
#' twoResults <- importWaterML1(url2,TRUE)
#' twoResults <- renameNWISColumns(twoResults)
#' url2RDB <- constructNWISURL(siteWithTwo,"00060",
#' startDate,endDate,"dv",format="tsv")
#' rdbResults <- importRDB1(url2RDB)
#' rdbResults <- renameNWISColumns(rdbResults)
#' }
renameNWISColumns <- function(rawData, p00010="Wtemp", p00045="Precip",
p00060="Flow", p00065="GH", p00095="SpecCond", p00300="DO",
......@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ renameNWISColumns <- function(rawData, p00010="Wtemp", p00045="Precip",
Conv$s00023<- "HiLoTide"
Conv$s00024<- "LoLoTide"
dataColumns <- grep("X_", Cnames)
dataColumns <- c(grep("X_", Cnames),grep("X\\d{2}", Cnames))
for (i in dataColumns){
chunks <- strsplit(Cnames[i], "_")[[1]]
No preview for this file type
......@@ -4,16 +4,13 @@
\title{Function to return data from the NWIS RDB 1.0 format}
importRDB1(obs_url, asDateTime = FALSE, qw = FALSE, convertType = TRUE,
tz = "")
importRDB1(obs_url, asDateTime = TRUE, convertType = TRUE, tz = "")
\item{obs_url}{character containing the url for the retrieval or a file path to the data file.}
\item{asDateTime}{logical, if \code{TRUE} returns date and time as POSIXct, if \code{FALSE}, Date}
\item{qw}{logical, if \code{TRUE} parses as water quality data (where dates/times are in start and end times)}
\item{convertType}{logical, defaults to \code{TRUE}. If \code{TRUE}, the function will convert the data to dates, datetimes,
numerics based on a standard algorithm. If false, everything is returned as a character}
......@@ -77,10 +74,10 @@ unitData <- importRDB1(unitDataURL, asDateTime=TRUE)
qwURL <- constructNWISURL(c('04024430','04024000'),
qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, qw=TRUE, tz="America/Chicago")
qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, asDateTime=TRUE, tz="America/Chicago")
iceSite <- '04024000'
start <- "2014-11-09"
end <- "2014-11-28"
start <- "2015-11-09"
end <- "2015-11-24"
urlIce <- constructNWISURL(iceSite,"00060",start, end,"uv",format="tsv")
ice <- importRDB1(urlIce, asDateTime=TRUE)
iceNoConvert <- importRDB1(urlIce, convertType=FALSE)
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ See \url{} for details about surface water.
siteNumbers <- c('01594440','040851325')
data <- readNWISmeas(siteNumbers)
Meas05316840 <- readNWISmeas("05316840")
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ to R Date objects.
siteNumbers <- c('01594440','040851325')
data <- readNWISpeak(siteNumbers)
data2 <- readNWISpeak(siteNumbers, asDateTime=FALSE)
......@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ endDate <- "2012-10-01"
url2 <- constructNWISURL(siteWithTwo, "00060",startDate,endDate,'dv')
twoResults <- importWaterML1(url2,TRUE)
twoResults <- renameNWISColumns(twoResults)
url2RDB <- constructNWISURL(siteWithTwo,"00060",
rdbResults <- importRDB1(url2RDB)
rdbResults <- renameNWISColumns(rdbResults)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ test_that("External importRDB1 tests", {
obs_url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,property,
data <- importRDB1(obs_url)
expect_is(data$datetime, 'character')
expect_is(data$datetime, 'Date')
urlMultiPcodes <- constructNWISURL("04085427",c("00060","00010"),
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ test_that("External importRDB1 tests", {
qwURL <- constructNWISURL(c('04024430','04024000'),
qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, qw=TRUE, tz="America/Chicago")
qwData <- importRDB1(qwURL, tz="America/Chicago")
expect_is(qwData$sample_dt, 'Date')
expect_is(qwData$startDateTime, 'POSIXct')
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ test_that("CRAN-friendly importRDB test", {
importUserRDB <- importRDB1(fullPath)
# default is to turn dates to characters
expect_is(importUserRDB$datetime, 'character')
expect_is(importUserRDB$datetime, 'Date')
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