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Commit 84c91b45 authored by Laura A DeCicco's avatar Laura A DeCicco
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Added dates and date/times to raw wqp data pulls.

parent 6cb03ce9
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1 merge request!10Added processing to WQP pulls.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Package: dataRetrieval
Type: Package
Title: Retrieval functions for hydrologic data
Version: 1.3.3
Date: 2014-08-04
Date: 2014-09-12
Author: Robert M. Hirsch, Laura De Cicco
Maintainer: Laura De Cicco <>
Description: Collection of functions to help retrieve USGS data from either web
# Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
#' Basic Water Quality Portal Data grabber
#' Imports data from the Water Quality Portal based on a specified url.
#' @param url string URL to Water Quality Portal#' @keywords data import USGS web service
#' @return retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for
#' start and end times.
#' @export
#' @import RCurl
#' @examples
#' # These examples require an internet connection to run
#' rawSampleURL <- constructNWISURL('USGS-01594440','01075', '1985-01-01', '1985-03-31',"wqp")
#' rawSample <- basicWQPData(rawSampleURL)
basicWQPData <- function(url){
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
retval = tryCatch({
doc <- getURL(url, headerfunction = h$update)
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
if(h$value()["Content-Type"] == "text/tab-separated-values;charset=UTF-8"){
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(h$value()["Total-Result-Count"])
if (! | numToBeReturned != 0){
namesData <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"",
dec=".", sep='\t',
fill = TRUE,nrow=1)
classColumns <- setNames(rep('character',ncol(namesData)),names(namesData))
classColumns["ActivityStartDate"] <- "Date"
classColumns[grep("MeasureValue",names(classColumns))] <- NA
retval <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"",
dec=".", sep='\t',
fill = TRUE)
actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
timeZoneLibrary <- setNames(c("America/New_York","America/New_York","America/Chicago","America/Chicago",
timeZoneStart <- as.character(timeZoneLibrary[retval$ActivityStartTime.TimeZoneCode])
timeZoneEnd <- as.character(timeZoneLibrary[retval$ActivityEndTime.TimeZoneCode])
if(length(unique(timeZoneStart)) == 1){
retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate, ActivityStartTime.Time),format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz=unique(timeZoneStart)))
} else {
warning("Mixed time zone information")
warning("Missing time zone information, all dateTimes default to user's local time")
retval$ActivityStartDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate, ActivityStartTime.Time), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),tz=Sys.timezone())
} else {
for(i in seq_along(row.names(retval))){
timeZone <- timeZoneStart[i]
retval$ActivityStartDateTime[i] <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityStartDate[i], ActivityStartTime.Time[i]), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz=timeZone))
if(length(unique(timeZoneEnd)) == 1){
retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate, ActivityEndTime.Time), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz=unique(timeZoneEnd)))
} else {
warning("Mixed time zone information")
warning("Missing time zone information, all dateTimes default to user's local time")
retval$ActivityEndDateTime <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate, ActivityEndTime.Time), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), tz=Sys.timezone())
} else {
for(i in seq_along(row.names(retval))){
retval$ActivityEndDateTime[i] <- with(retval, as.POSIXct(paste(ActivityEndDate[i], ActivityEndTime.Time[i]), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz=timeZoneEnd[i]))
if(any(retval$ActivityEndDate != "")){
retval$ActivityEndDate <- as.Date(retval$ActivityEndDate)
} else {
warning("No data to retrieve")
} else {
message(paste("URL caused an error:", url))
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,45 +30,7 @@ getGeneralWQPData <- function(...){
urlCall <- paste(baseURL,
"&mimeType=tsv",sep = "")
doc = tryCatch({
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
doc <- getURL(urlCall, headerfunction = h$update)
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", urlCall))
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", urlCall))
if(h$value()["Content-Type"] == "text/tab-separated-values;charset=UTF-8"){
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(h$value()["Total-Result-Count"])
if (! | numToBeReturned != 0){
retval <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"",
dec=".", sep='\t',
fill = TRUE)
actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
} else {
warning(paste("No data to retrieve from",urlCall))
} else {
message(paste("URL caused an error:", urlCall))
retVal <- basicWQPData(urlCall)
\ No newline at end of file
#' Raw Data Import for USGS NWIS Water Quality Data
#' Raw Data Import for Water Quality Portal
#' Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
#' A list of parameter codes can be found here: \url{}
#' A list of statistic codes can be found here: \url{}
#' Imports data from the Water Quality Portal. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
#' @param siteNumber string USGS site number. This is usually an 8 digit number
#' @param parameterCd vector of USGS 5-digit parameter code or string of characteristicNames. Leaving this blank will return all of the measured values during the specified time period.
#' @param siteNumber string site number. This needs to include the full agency code prefix.
#' @param parameterCd vector of USGS 5-digit parameter code or string of characteristicNames.
#' Leaving this blank will return all of the measured values during the specified time period.
#' @param startDate string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param endDate string ending date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
#' @param interactive logical Option for interactive mode. If true, there is user interaction for error handling and data checks.
#' @keywords data import USGS web service
#' @return retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
#' (subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
#' @return retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for
#' start and end times.
#' @export
#' @import RCurl
#' @examples
......@@ -23,44 +22,7 @@
retrieveWQPqwData <- function(siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate,interactive=TRUE){
url <- constructNWISURL(siteNumber,parameterCd,startDate,endDate,"wqp",interactive=interactive)
retval = tryCatch({
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
doc <- getURL(url, headerfunction = h$update)
}, warning = function(w) {
message(paste("URL caused a warning:", url))
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste("URL does not seem to exist:", url))
if(h$value()["Content-Type"] == "text/tab-separated-values;charset=UTF-8"){
numToBeReturned <- as.numeric(h$value()["Total-Result-Count"])
if (! | numToBeReturned != 0){
retval <- read.delim(textConnection(doc), header = TRUE, quote="\"",
dec=".", sep='\t',
fill = TRUE)
actualNumReturned <- nrow(retval)
if(actualNumReturned != numToBeReturned) warning(numToBeReturned, " sample results were expected, ", actualNumReturned, " were returned")
} else {
warning("No data to retrieve")
} else {
message(paste("URL caused an error:", url))
retVal <- basicWQPData(url)
% Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
\title{Basic Water Quality Portal Data grabber}
\item{url}{string URL to Water Quality Portal#'}
retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for
start and end times.
Imports data from the Water Quality Portal based on a specified url.
# These examples require an internet connection to run
rawSampleURL <- constructNWISURL('USGS-01594440','01075', '1985-01-01', '1985-03-31',"wqp")
rawSample <- basicWQPData(rawSampleURL)
% Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.2): do not edit by hand
\title{Raw Data Import for USGS NWIS Water Quality Data}
\title{Raw Data Import for Water Quality Portal}
retrieveWQPqwData(siteNumber, parameterCd, startDate, endDate,
interactive = TRUE)
\item{siteNumber}{string USGS site number. This is usually an 8 digit number}
\item{siteNumber}{string site number. This needs to include the full agency code prefix.}
\item{parameterCd}{vector of USGS 5-digit parameter code or string of characteristicNames. Leaving this blank will return all of the measured values during the specified time period.}
\item{parameterCd}{vector of USGS 5-digit parameter code or string of characteristicNames.
Leaving this blank will return all of the measured values during the specified time period.}
\item{startDate}{string starting date for data retrieval in the form YYYY-MM-DD.}
......@@ -18,13 +19,11 @@ retrieveWQPqwData(siteNumber, parameterCd, startDate, endDate,
\item{interactive}{logical Option for interactive mode. If true, there is user interaction for error handling and data checks.}
retval dataframe with first column dateTime, and at least one qualifier and value columns
(subsequent qualifier/value columns could follow depending on requested parameter codes)
retval dataframe raw data returned from the Water Quality Portal. Additionally, a POSIXct dateTime column is supplied for
start and end times.
Imports data from NWIS web service. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
A list of parameter codes can be found here: \url{}
A list of statistic codes can be found here: \url{}
Imports data from the Water Quality Portal. This function gets the data from here: \url{}
# These examples require an internet connection to run
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