siteInfo attr
Keying off of site_no, should key off site_no and agency.
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- Author Owner
Some stuff from NWIS actually includes non-NWIS data...with the exact same site_no.
- Author Owner
pCodeCL <-c("99220","00940") siteListCl2 <- readNWISdata(bBox=c(-81, 25,-80, 26), parameterCd=pCodeCL, siteType="GW", service="site",seriesCatalogOutput=TRUE) yearsOfData <- 15 numObs <- 200 clList <- filter(siteListCl2, parm_cd %in% pCodeCL) %>% mutate(endYear = as.numeric(format(as.Date(end_date), "%Y"))) %>% mutate(beginYear = as.numeric(format(as.Date(begin_date), "%Y"))) %>% group_by(site_no) %>% summarise(maxEndYear = max(endYear, na.rm=TRUE), minBeginYear = min(beginYear, na.rm=TRUE), count = sum(count_nu)) %>% mutate(totalYears = maxEndYear - minBeginYear) %>% filter(count >= numObs & totalYears >= yearsOfData) clDataReshaped <- readNWISqw(clList$site_no, c(pCodeCL,"00095"), reshape = TRUE) siteInfo <- attr(clDataReshaped, "siteInfo")
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