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Adding qwdata to readNWISdata

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@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
#' Arguments to the function should be based on \url{} service calls.
#' @param service string. Possible values are "iv" (for instantaneous), "dv" (for daily values), "gwlevels"
#' (for groundwater levels), and "site" (for site service)
#' (for groundwater levels), "site" (for site service), and "qw" (water-quality). Note: "qw" calls go to:
#' \url{} for data requests, and use different call requests schemes.
#' @param \dots see \url{} for a complete list of options
#' @keywords data import NWIS web service
#' @return A data frame with the following columns:
@@ -53,15 +54,21 @@
#' service="dv", startDate=startDate, endDate=endDate)
#' siteInfo <- readNWISdata(stateCd="WI", parameterCd="00010",
#' hasDataTypeCd="iv", service="site")
#' qwData <- readNWISdata(bBox=c(-82.5,41.52,-81,41),startDate=as.Date("2000-01-01"),
#' drain_area_va_min=50, qw_count_nu=50,qw_attributes="expanded",
#' qw_sample_wide="wide",list_of_search_criteria=c("lat_long_bounding_box",
#' "drain_area_va","obs_count_nu"),service="qw")
#' }
readNWISdata <- function(service="dv", ...){
matchReturn <- list(...)
match.arg(service, c("dv","iv","gwlevels","site", "uv"))
match.arg(service, c("dv","iv","gwlevels","site", "uv","qw","qwdata"))
if(service == "uv"){
service <- "iv"
} else if (service == "qw"){
service <- "qwdata"
if(length(service) > 1){
@@ -75,29 +82,57 @@ readNWISdata <- function(service="dv", ...){
names(values)[names(values) == "siteNumber"] <- "sites"
names(values)[names(values) == "siteNumbers"] <- "sites"
urlCall <- paste(paste(names(values),values,sep="="),collapse="&")
format <- "waterml,1.1"
baseURL <- ""
if(service == "iv"){
baseURL <- ""
} else if (service == "qwdata"){
baseURL <- ""
format <- "rdb"
names(values)[names(values) == "startDT"] <- "begin_date"
names(values)[names(values) == "endDT"] <- "end_date"
values["rdb_inventory_output"] <- "file"
values["TZoutput"] <- "0"
values["date_format"] <- "YYYY-MM-DD"
values["qw_sample_wide"] <- "wide"
if("bBox" %in% names(values)){
values["nw_longitude_va"] <- as.character(matchReturn$bBox[1])
values["nw_latitude_va"] <- as.character(matchReturn$bBox[2])
values["se_longitude_va"] <- as.character(matchReturn$bBox[3])
values["se_latitude_va"] <- as.character(matchReturn$bBox[4])
values["coordinate_format"] <- "decimal_degrees"
values <- values[-which("bBox" %in% names(values))]
if(service == "site"){
format <- "rdb"
urlCall <- paste(paste(names(values),values,sep="="),collapse="&")
baseURL <- paste0(baseURL,service,"/?format=",format,"&")
urlCall <- paste0(baseURL,urlCall)
if(service == "site"){
retval <- importRDB1(urlCall, asDateTime = FALSE, qw = FALSE)
} else {
} else if(service != "qwdata") {
retval <- importWaterML1(urlCall, asDateTime = ("iv" == service))
if("dv" == service){
retval$dateTime <- as.POSIXct(retval$dateTime)
} else {
possibleError <- tryCatch({
retval <- importRDB1(urlCall, asDateTime = TRUE, qw = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
stop(e, "with url:", urlCall)