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Add WQP services (issue #35)

Hodson, Timothy Oliver requested to merge github/fork/jbousquin/master into master

Created by: jbousquin

  1. Implemented the seven services outlined in issue #35 (closed) via brute force (7 new functions in following structure of what_sites().
  2. Updated base_url in wqp.wqp_url() to include data/, appears the existing services were being redirected to this base_url but new services did not. This should be more robust than adding 'data/' only to the new functions.
  3. Added tests to for each of the new functions following test_what_sites(), and updated request_url for pre-existing functions to == md.url.
  4. Added appropriate text files for test results to data folder. The results for test_what_activities() are rather large, consider different query parameters.

Merge request reports
