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Mock testing and extending implementations

Hodson, Timothy Oliver requested to merge github/fork/UCHIC/master into master

Created by: sblack-usu

  • Added a mocking framework with tests that have full coverage over all methods except for some response parsing that I was unable to find examples for
  • Fixed pmcodes
  • introduced metadata. Each method returns the DataFrame along with the metadata as a tuple
  • implemented water use query
  • implemented ratings query
  • fixed results query
  • fixed and implemented sites/what_sites queries
  • removed some code that had no references
  • did some reorganizing to make the code easier to maintain

I also added a python notebook that attempts to recreate the R dataretrieval vignette, I used this to guide most of my work. The vignette doesn't provide examples for all functionality so I will need some more direction on what functionality is missing.

My known TODOs are:

  • implement rename
  • implement reshape
  • add metadata for statistic_info and disclaimer (there may be other metadata fields I haven't found yet)
  • All functions that don't have examples in the vignette

Merge request reports
