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Shiny app #2

Laura A DeCicco requested to merge ldecicco/hasp:master into master

To test it out, re-build the package, load it and run explore_site(). You can either click the "Load Example Data", or put a groundwater site id up there, then:

  1. Click the "Check Data Options"
  2. Click the "Get Groundwater Data"
  3. Click the "Get QW Data" (if you are trying to do the chloride/qw plots) Poke around.

Check's fine:

-- R CMD check results ------------------------------------ HASP ----
Duration: 2m 45.2s

> checking top-level files ... NOTE
  Non-standard file/directory found at top level:

0 errors v | 0 warnings v | 1 note x

R CMD check succeeded

About the same:

HASP Coverage: 83.09%
R/explore.R: 0.00%
R/get_data.R: 0.00%
R/analyze.R: 88.66%
R/chloride.R: 93.67%
R/frequency_analysis.R: 94.39%
R/Sc_Cl_plot.R: 95.04%
R/statistics.R: 95.74%
R/gwl_single_sites.R: 97.37%
R/ggplot2_utils.R: 100.00%
R/included_data.R: 100.00%
R/visualize.R: 100.00%

Merge request reports
