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 * Hydrograph charting module.
const { bisector, extent, min, max } = require('d3-array');
const { mouse, select } = require('d3-selection');
const { line } = require('d3-shape');
const { timeFormat } = require('d3-time-format');

const { addSVGAccessibility, addSROnlyTable } = require('../../accessibility');
const { getTimeseries, getPreviousYearTimeseries } = require('../../models');
const { appendAxes, updateYAxis, createAxes } = require('./axes');
const { createScales, updateYScale } = require('./scales');
// Define width, height and margin for the SVG.
// Use a fixed size, and scale to device width using CSS.
const WIDTH = 800;
const HEIGHT = WIDTH / 2;
const MARGIN = {
    top: 20,
    right: 75,
    bottom: 45,
    left: 50

// Function that returns the left bounding point for a given chart point.
const bisectDate = bisector(d => d.time).left;

// Create a time formatting function from D3's timeFormat
const formatTime = timeFormat('%c %Z');

     * @param {Array} data IV data as returned by models/getTimeseries
     * @param {String} yLabel y-axis label
     * @param {String} title for svg's title attribute
     * @param {String} desc for svg's desc attribute
     * @param {Node} element Dom node to insert
    constructor({data=[], yLabel='Data', title='', desc='', element}) {
        this._title = title;
        this._element = element;
        if (data && data.length) {
            this.tsData.current = data;
        } else {
            this._drawMessage('No data is available for this site.');

    addTimeSeries({data, legendLabel}) {
        this.tsData[legendLabel] = data;
        const currentYExtent = extent(this.tsData.current, d => d.value);
        const yExtent = extent(data, d => d.value);
        const newExtent = [min([yExtent[0], currentYExtent[0]]), max([yExtent[1], currentYExtent[1]])];
        const {xScale, yScale } = createScales(data,
            WIDTH - MARGIN.right,
        const newLine = line()
            .x(d => xScale(d.time))
            .y(d => this.scale.yScale(d.value));

            .classed('line', true)'.y-axis')
        //Update the current ts
            .attr('d', this.currentLine(this.tsData.current));

    removeTimeSeries(legendLabel) {
        const currentYExtent = extent(this.tsData.current, d => d.value);'#ts-' + legendLabel).remove();
        delete this.tsData[legendLabel];
        updateYScale(this.scale.yScale, currentYExtent);
        updateYAxis(this.axis.yAxis, this.scale.yScale);'.y-axis')
        //Update the current ts
            .attr('d', this.currentLine(this.tsData.current));
    _drawChart() {
        // Set up parent element and SVG
        this._element.innerHTML = '';
        this.svg = select(this._element)
            .attr('class', 'hydrograph-container')
            .style('padding-bottom', ASPECT_RATIO_PERCENT)
            .attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMin meet')
            .attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT}`);
            title: this._title,
            description: this._desc,
            isInteractive: true

            container: this._element,
            columnNames: [this._title, 'Time'],
            data: => {
        // We'll actually be appending to a <g> element
        this.plot = this.svg.append('g')
            .attr('transform', `translate(${MARGIN.left},${})`);

        // Create x/y scaling for the full (100%) view.
        this.scale = createScales(
            WIDTH - MARGIN.right,
            HEIGHT - ( + MARGIN.bottom)
        this.axis = createAxes(this.scale.xScale, this.scale.yScale, -WIDTH + MARGIN.right);

        // Draw the graph components with the given scaling.
            xAxis: this.axis.xAxis,
            yAxis: this.axis.yAxis,
            xLoc: {x: 0, y: HEIGHT - ( + MARGIN.bottom)},
            yLoc: {x: 0, y: 0},
            yLabelLoc: {x: HEIGHT / -2 +, y: -35},
        this._plotDataLine(this.plot, this.scale, 'current');
        this._plotTooltips(this.plot, this.scale, 'current');

    _drawMessage(message) {
        // Set up parent element and SVG
        this._element.innerHTML = '';
        const alertBox = select(this._element)
            .attr('class', 'usa-alert usa-alert-warning')
            .attr('class', 'usa-alert-body');
            .attr('class', 'usa-alert-heading')
            .html('Hydrograph Alert');

        this.currentLine = line()
            .x(d => scale.xScale(d.time))
            .y(d => scale.yScale(d.value));
            .classed('line', true)
            .attr('d', this.currentLine);
        // Create a node to hightlight the currently selected date/time.
        let focus = plot.append('g')
            .attr('class', 'focus')
            .style('display', 'none');

            .attr('r', 7.5);


            .attr('class', 'overlay')
            .attr('width', WIDTH)
            .attr('height', HEIGHT)
            .on('mouseover', () =>'display', null))
            .on('mouseout', () =>'display', 'none'))
            .on('mousemove', (d, i, nodes) => {
                // Get the nearest data point for the current mouse position.
                let time = scale.xScale.invert(mouse(nodes[i])[0]);
                let {datum, index} = this._getNearestTime(time, tsDataKey);
                // Move the focus node to this date/time.
                focus.attr('transform', `translate(${scale.xScale(datum.time)}, ${scale.yScale(datum.value)})`);

                // Draw text, anchored to the left or right, depending on
                // which side of the graph the point is on.
                let isFirstHalf = index < this.tsData[tsDataKey].length / 2;
                    .text(() => datum.label)
                    .attr('text-anchor', isFirstHalf ? 'start' : 'end')
                    .attr('x', isFirstHalf ? 15 : -15)
                    .attr('dy', isFirstHalf ? '.31em' : '-.31em');
    _getNearestTime(time, tsDataKey) {
        let index = bisectDate(this.tsData[tsDataKey], time, 1);
        let d0 = this.tsData[tsDataKey][index - 1];
        let d1 = this.tsData[tsDataKey][index];
        if (d0 && d1) {
            datum = time - d0.time > d1.time - time ? d1 : d0;
        } else {
            datum = d0 || d1;

        // Return the nearest data point and its index.
        return {
            index: datum === d0 ? index - 1 : index
function attachToNode(node, {siteno}) {
    let hydrograph;
    let getLastYearTS;
    getTimeseries({sites: [siteno]}).then((series) => {
            let dataIsValid = series && series[0] && !series[0].values.some(d => d.value === -999999);
            hydrograph = new Hydrograph({
                element: node,
                data: dataIsValid ? series[0].values : [],
                yLabel: dataIsValid ? series[0].variableDescription : 'No data',
                title: dataIsValid ? series[0].variableName : '',
                desc: dataIsValid ? series[0].variableDescription + ' from ' + formatTime(series[0].seriesStartDate) + ' to ' + formatTime(series[0].seriesEndDate) : ''
            if (dataIsValid) {
                getLastYearTS = getPreviousYearTimeseries({
                    site: node.dataset.siteno,
                    startTime: series[0].seriesStartDate,
                    endTime: series[0].seriesEndDate
    document.getElementById('show-last-year-input').addEventListener('change', (evt) => {
        if ( {
            getLastYearTS.then((series) => {
                    data: series[0].values,
                    legendLabel: 'lastyear'

module.exports = {Hydrograph, attachToNode};