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Wdfn 675 - groundwater-specific plot defaults

Bucknell, Mary S. requested to merge mbucknell/waterdataui:wdfn-675 into main

Before making a pull request

  • Run all linters (make lint)
  • Run all tests (make test)
  • Update the changelog appropriately
  • If making a release, update code.json, versionNumber and metadataLastUpdated.


When a parameter code is selected for which there is only ground water site visit data, this changes the shortcut buttons to 1 year/10 years/Period of record. If the one of the shortcut buttons is checked when changing from IV to GW only or vice versa, the checked button will default to the first button.


After making a pull request

  • If appropriate, put the link to the PR in the JIRA ticket
  • Assign someone to review unless the change is trivial

Merge request reports
