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WDFN-338 - Monitoring location pages cursor slider for both graphs, updates as the handle is moved.

Bucknell, Mary S. requested to merge mbucknell/waterdataui:wdfn-338 into main

Before making a pull request

  • Run all linters (make lint)
  • Run all tests (make test)
  • Update the changelog appropriately


In order to handle the onchange event correctly, we needed to decouple the setting of the cursor position from the creation of the slider. This meant that we could no longer have a common d3-rendering module to render the cursor slider as the the D3 slider function needed to be available to both the Redux event handler which creates the slider and the the event handler which updates the cursor value.

After making a pull request

  • If appropriate, put the link to the PR in the JIRA ticket
  • Assign someone to review unless the change is trivial

Merge request reports
