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Update dependency @apollo/client to v3.7.7 - autoclosed

igswsihw-wmadepbot requested to merge renovate/apollo-client-3.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@apollo/client (source) 3.7.5 -> 3.7.7 age adoption passing confidence

Dependency Lookup Warnings

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Release Notes



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Patch Changes
  • #​10502 315faf9ca Thanks @​jerelmiller! - Log a warning to the console when a mock passed to MockedProvider or MockLink cannot be matched to a query during a test. This makes it easier to debug user errors in the mock setup, such as typos, especially if the query under test is using an errorPolicy set to ignore, which makes it difficult to know that a match did not occur.

  • #​10499 9e54f5dfa Thanks @​phryneas! - Allow the execution function returned by useLazyQuery to change the query.

  • #​10362 14a56b105 Thanks @​mccraveiro! - Fix error when server returns an error and we are also querying for a local field


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Patch Changes
  • #​10470 47435e879 Thanks @​alessbell! - Bumps TypeScript to 4.9.4 (previously 4.7.4) and updates types to account for changes in TypeScript 4.8 by propagating contstraints on generic types. Technically this makes some types stricter as attempting to pass null|undefined into certain functions is now disallowed by TypeScript, but these were never expected runtime values in the first place.

  • #​10408 55ffafc58 Thanks @​zlrlo! - fix: modify BatchHttpLink to have a separate timer for each different batch key

  • #​9573 4a4f48dda Thanks @​vladar! - Improve performance of local resolvers by only executing selection sets that contain an @client directive. Previously, local resolvers were executed even when the field did not contain @client. While the result was properly discarded, the unncessary work could negatively affect query performance, sometimes signficantly.


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by igswsihw-wmadepbot

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