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WASP-456 - Remove Apollo GraphQL from Search and Filter

Simpson, Robert (Contractor) Evan requested to merge remove-graphql into main

Before making a pull request

  • Put the appropriate EXEMPT flag if needed in the MR label (see
  • Run all linters (make lint)
  • Run all tests (make test)
  • Update the changelog appropriately
  • If making a release, update code.json metadataLastUpdated and bump to next version.


Apollo and GraphQL have been removed in favor of using the fetch api. With that, a new search-graphql.js in the web-services directory. That handles the fetch call that is then called from the fetchLocations action in the search-and-filter-store.js.

After making a pull request

  • If appropriate, put the link to the PR in the JIRA ticket
  • Assign someone to review unless the change is trivial
  • Check the accessibility CI step and fix or explain any issues.

Merge request reports
