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WASP-349: Search and Filter - Map Clustering

Simpson, Robert (Contractor) Evan requested to merge wasp-349-map-clustering into main

Before making a pull request

  • Put the appropriate EXEMPT flag if needed in the MR label (see
  • Run all linters (make lint)
  • Run all tests (make test)
  • Update the changelog appropriately
  • If making a release, update code.json metadataLastUpdated and bump to next version.


Implement marker clustering to the map. Starting to understand how to build out the map which is helping to split out smaller functionality.



No clusters

At zoom levels below 11, there should be no clustering. This will have to be looked at to see how location markers are still overtop of each other and how to handle that situation.


I believe this future story is geared towards handling this type of situation -

After making a pull request

  • If appropriate, put the link to the PR in the JIRA ticket
  • Assign someone to review unless the change is trivial
  • Check the accessibility CI step and fix or explain any issues.
Edited by Simpson, Robert (Contractor) Evan

Merge request reports
