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Wdfn 533 - Update to USWDS 2.11.1

Bucknell, Mary S. requested to merge github/fork/mbucknell/wdfn-533 into master

Created by: mbucknell

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  • Make sure all tests run
  • Update the changelog appropriately
  • Verify that the version in package.json indicates your intent to publish a release or snapshot build


Wdfn 533 - Update to USWDS 2.11.1


The bundle that contains the USWDS javascript now needs to be loaded within the

tag. The templates and guidance have been updated to reflect this. In addition, added javascript minification and updated autoprefixer guidance to match the current recommendations from USWDS.

After making a pull request

  • If appropriate, put the link to the PR in the JIRA ticket
  • Assign someone to review unless the change is trivial

Merge request reports
