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Update dependency @uswds/uswds to v3.11.0 - autoclosed

igswsihw-wmadepbot requested to merge renovate/uswds-uswds-3.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@uswds/uswds dependencies minor 3.10.0 -> 3.11.0

Release Notes

uswds/uswds (@​uswds/uswds)

v3.11.0: USWDS 3.11.0

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What's new in USWDS 3.11.0


Package A11y Breaking Markup change Description
usa-elements - - - Removed outdated browser normalization styles. This update drops normalize support for Internet Explorer. Thanks @​aduth! (#​5555)
usa-form, usa-input-prefix-suffix, usa-input, uswds-core - - - Moved .usa-input--[width] and .usa-input-group--[width] classes out of the usa-form package. These classes are now generated in the usa-input and usa-input-prefix-suffix packages and can be used without the .usa-form parent element. Thanks @​aduth! (#​6232)
usa-table - - - Updated table header styles to be consistent across all table elements. Now, all thead th, tbody th, and tfoot th cells will all have the same visual styles. Thanks @​ajanickiv!

✏️ Teams should confirm that their tables display as expected. (#​5986)

Bug fixes

Package A11y Breaking Markup change Description
usa-button, usa-collection, usa-file-input, usa-icon-list, usa-icon, usa-input-prefix-suffix, usa-modal, usa-pagination - - Yes Replaced deprecated xlink:href references with href.

✏️ Teams should update their markup to replace xlink:href references with href and pull in the updated loader.svg file. (#​6165)
usa-file-input Yes - - Fixed a bug that prevented screen readers from announcing the invalid file type error message. (#​6168)

✏️ Teams who support additional languages should update the error message string to match the new copy.
usa-footer Yes - - Removed overflow: hidden from usa-footer to allow the full focus outline to show. This fix also improves horizontal alignment in the slim footer variant. Thanks @​6TELOIV! (#​6237)

Markup changes

MDN warns that the deprecated xlink:href attribute can stop working at any time. When referencing SVG icon sprites, teams should use href instead of the deprecated xlink:href attribute.

<!-- usa-icon example -->
<svg class="usa-icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img">
- <use xlink:href="./img/sprite.svg#close"></use>
+ <use href="./img/sprite.svg#close"></use>

Dependencies and security

Dependency name Previous version New version
@​babel/core 7.25.7 7.26.0
@​babel/preset-env 7.25.7 7.26.0
axe-core 4.10.0 4.10.2
cross-spawn 7.0.3 7.0.6
html-webpack-plugin 5.6.0 5.6.3
mocha 10.7.3 10.8.2
nwsapi (added via npm overrides) -- 2.2.13
postcss 8.4.47 8.4.49
prettier 3.3.3 3.4.2
sass 1.79.4 1.83.0
sass-embedded 1.79.4 1.83.0
snyk 1.1293.1 1.1294.3
stylelint 16.9.0 16.11.0
typescript 5.6.2 5.7.2
webpack 5.95.0 5.97.1

0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install @&#8203;uswds/uswds) 29 moderate, 26 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies).

Release TGZ SHA-256 hash: 1c10cd70a3c627fd14d9ee74a4071e67c4e5ba4bf14ca1c50c19c2fe5885e70a


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by igswsihw-wmadepbot

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