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Fixed tests, .npz input file creation example, bumped package versions

This merge request contains:

  1. Replaced meandering channel tests with straight channel tests to avoid the "Type B" error described in issue #13 (closed)
  2. Set the error tolerance in simulation tests to atol=1e-4, rtol=0.0, to prevent the "Type A" errors described in issue #13 (closed)
  3. Added a notebook example that converts an existing vtk input mesh into a .npz file that can be used to run a fluvial-particle simulation
  4. Bumped ipython version to 8.10 to pass the security check; bumped vtk allowable versions, as the test changes in this merge should also fix the failing tests first described in #8 (closed)
  5. Changed h5py parallel version specification in environment-mpi.yml, should allow more flexibility when running in parallel while using a conda environment
  6. Updated poetry.lock file

Merge request reports
