Add zarr creation workflow for EAR downscaling CMIP5 and CMIP6 historical and future climatology data cubes
Zarr stores have been created on Hovenweep at the specified directory: /caldera/hovenweep/projects/usgs/water/impd/nhgf/arschultz/EAR-downscaling. Within this directory, the following zarr stores were created for all four data cubes: CMIP5/CMIP5_historical.zarr, CMIP5/CMIP5_future.zarr, CMIP6/CMIP6_historical.zarr, and CMIP6/CMIP6_future.zarr. "time" coordinate has been rebased to the start of the climatology range for each corresponding period, 1980-01-01 for the historical data cubes, 2006-01-01 for CMIP5 future, and 2015-01-01 for CMIP6 future. A CRS variable was set to WGS 84, and variables were renamed with the corresponding established convention variable names of TMIN, TMAX, and PR, with suffixes based on the respective model name from the input netCDF files, e.g. "TMAX_INM-CM4-8_EDQMv3_daymet4_historical_r1i1p1f1".