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Bcca cmip5

McDonald, Richard R. requested to merge bcca_cmip5 into main

Notebooks for processing future and historical cmip5 bcca datasets. These datasets are large and were processed on tallgrass. As of 12/20/23 they the resulting aggregated zarr files are being transferred using globus to s3. The resulting files are bcca_cmip5_future.zarr and bcca_cmip5_historic.zarr.

NOTE: There was no spatial_ref or crs variable in the existing netcdf files so I created a crs variable with the following attributes: epsg_code : EPSG:4326 grid_mapping_name : latitude_longitude inverse_flattening : 298.257223563 proj4_string : +proj=longlat +a=6378137 +f=0.00335281066474748 +pm=0 +no_defs semi_major_axis : 6378137.0

Merge request reports
