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Updates to EDR Config, plus useful scripts

Sarah Jordan requested to merge edr-testing-july24 into main

The primary purpose of this MR is to add additional datasets to config-gdp.yml . The MR also includes a few other scripts:

  • configs/ : a script to parse the STAC and add datasets to a config file in the format required by this pygeoapi builder. In the long-term, I'd see making this script part of some sort of workflow so that the datasets could be updated on the fly as the STAC is updated. Right now, a user could just run it manually to make a new config file.
  • Added pytests to test the cube and position queries of EDR datasets. This just tests against a localhost, so they assume someone has spun up a local version of the repo. These were used to understand which queries were working, and I think we could build off them in the future (potentially in tandem with the script above) to exclude datasets that aren't passing the tests and resolve issues in pygeoapi source code.
Edited by Sarah Jordan

Merge request reports