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Commit e844edc8 authored by Bock, Andy's avatar Bock, Andy
Browse files

Added functions for WB events

parent 8fdb0f68
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...@@ -775,3 +775,241 @@ split_tt <- function(in_POI_ID, split_DF, tt_diff, max_DA){ ...@@ -775,3 +775,241 @@ split_tt <- function(in_POI_ID, split_DF, tt_diff, max_DA){
} }
#' Retrieves waterbodies from NHDArea layer or NHD Hi-Res for ResOpsUs
#' locations if absent from NHD waterbody
#' @param nhd (sf data.frame) flowlines for given VPU
#' @param WBs (sf data.frame) waterbodys for discretization within VPU
#' @param data_paths (list) data paths to data layers
#' @return (list) wbs - sf data frame for NHDArea and HR waterbodies
#' wb_table - table of flowlines and outlet info for each
#' feature in wb
HR_Area_coms <- function(nhd, WBs, data_paths){
# Read in resops table
resops_wb_df <- read.csv(data_paths$resops_NID_CW)
# Pull out rows for VPU that are NHDArea
nhd_area_resops <- resops_wb_df %>%
filter(FlowLcomid %in% nhd$COMID, COMI_srclyr == "NHDAREA")
# Pull out rows for VPU that are NHD HR
nhd_hr_wb_resops <- resops_wb_df %>%
filter(FlowLcomid %in% nhd$COMID, COMI_srclyr == "HR ID AVAILABLE")
# Get reachcodes for waterbody outlets, so we have an idea of which
# NHD HR 4-digit geodatabase we may need to retrieve
RC <- filter(nhd, COMID %in% c(nhd_area_resops$FlowLcomid,
# If no NHDArea or HR waterbodies needed return NULL
if (nrow(nhd_area_resops) == 0 & nrow(nhd_hr_wb_resops) == 0){
# If NHDArea feature needed retrieve from National GDB
if (nrow(nhd_area_resops) > 0){
nhd_area_vpu <- read_sf(data_paths$nhdplus_gdb, "NHDArea") %>%
filter(COMID %in% nhd_area_resops$NHDAREA) %>%
mutate(source = "NHDv2Area")
wb <- nhd_area_vpu
# If NHDHR feature needed
if (nrow(nhd_hr_wb_resops) > 0){
# HUC04 we need to download
huc04 <- substr(RC, 1, 4)
# Download NHD HR HUC04 if we dont' have it, other wise load and
# Bind NHDHR waterbodies into one layer
hr_wb <-"rbind", lapply(unique(huc04), function(x){
if(!file.exists(file.path(data_paths$nhdplus_dir, vpu,
paste0("NHDPLUS_H_", x, "_HU4_GDB.gdb")))){
download_nhdplushr(data_paths$nhdplus_dir, unique(huc04))
# Format to similar to NHDArea/Waterbody layers
read_sf(file.path(data_paths$nhdplus_dir, substr(vpu, 1, 2),
paste0("NHDPLUS_H_", x, "_HU4_GDB.gdb")), "NHDWaterbody")})) %>%
filter(NHDPlusID %in% nhd_hr_wb_resops$HR_NHDPLUSID) %>%
rename(COMID = NHDPlusID, GNIS_NAME = GNIS_Name, RESOLUTION = Resolution, AREASQKM = AreaSqKm, ELEVATION = Elevation,
FTYPE = FType, FCODE = FCode, FDATE = FDate, REACHCODE = ReachCode) %>%
select(-c(Permanent_Identifier, VisibilityFilter, VPUID)) %>%
st_zm(.) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(source = "NHDHR")
# Bind or create new object
wb <- data.table::rbindlist(list(wb, hr_wb), fill = TRUE) %>%
} else {
wb <- hr_wb
# get the outlt rows from the table
resops_outlet <- filter(resops_wb_df, NHDAREA %in% wb$COMID | HR_NHDPLUSID %in% wb$COMID)
# Create table of all flowlines that intersect the waterbody
nhd_wb <- st_intersects(nhd, wb)
comid <- nhd[lengths(nhd_wb) > 0,]$COMID
nhd_wb_all <- nhd_wb[lengths(nhd_wb) > 0] %>%
purrr::set_names(comid) %>%
stack() %>%
# Ind is the default name for the set_names
rename(comid = ind, nhd_wb = values) %>%
mutate(wb_comid = wb[nhd_wb,]$COMID,
outlet = ifelse(comid %in% resops_outlet$FlowLcomid, "outlet", NA),
comid = as.integer(as.character(comid))) %>%
left_join(select(resops_wb_df, DAM_ID, DAM_NAME, FlowLcomid), by = c("comid" = "FlowLcomid")) %>%
left_join(select(st_drop_geometry(wb), COMID, source), by = c("wb_comid" = "COMID"))
return(list(wb_table = nhd_wb_all, wb = wb))
#' Creates wb inlet and outlet events for splitting in hyRefactor
#' for waterbodies derived from NHDArea and NHDHR waterbodies
#' @param WBs (sf data.frame) return from HR_Area_coms
#' @param nhd_wb (sf data.frame) flowlines that intersect waterbodies
#' @param type (character) whether to derive inlet or outlet points
#' @return (sf data.frame) dataframe of WB inlet and outlet points to split
WB_event <- function(WBs, nhd_wb, type){
# split into features and table
WBs_table <- WBs_VPU_areaHR$wb_table
WBs_layer <- WBs_VPU_areaHR$wb
if (type == "outlet"){
# get the outlet comid from the ResOps Table
outlet_fl <- filter(nhd_wb, COMID %in% filter(WBs_table, outlet == "outlet")$comid)
# Get the downstream flowline for continuity
ds_fl <- filter(nhd_wb, DnHydroseq %in% outlet_fl$Hydroseq,
LevelPathI %in% outlet_fl$LevelPathI) %>%
rbind(outlet_fl) %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
# union together
summarize(do_union = T)
WBs_area <- filter(WBs_layer, source == "NHDv2Area")
WBs_HR <- filter(WBs_layer, source == "NHDHR")
# For NHDArea waterbodies (better congruity with th flowline st)
if (nrow(WBs_area) > 0){
# Intersect unioned FL with waterbody and get intersecting point
outlet_pnts <- sf::st_intersection(ds_fl, WBs_area) %>%
# Cast to point
st_cast("POINT") %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
# Get furthest downstream point of intersection
filter(row_number() == max(row_number(), na.rm = T)) %>%
# Derive event from point to use for splitting within hyRefactor
wb_events <- get_flowline_index(nhd_wb, outlet_pnts) %>%
inner_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd_wb), COMID, WBAREACOMI), by = "COMID") %>%
mutate(event_type = type) %>%
cbind(select(outlet_pnts, geom)) %>%
# For NHD HR waterbody outlets its a bit more complicated
if (nrow(WBs_HR) > 0){
# Get the flowlines intersecting the HR waterbody and find one with the
# max DA
outlet_wb_int <- nhd_wb[lengths(st_intersects(nhd_wb, WBs_HR)) > 0,] %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
filter(TotDASqKM == max(TotDASqKM)) %>%
# get the ds flo with the same levepath (JIC)
ds_fl <- filter(nhd_wb, DnHydroseq %in% outlet_wb_int$Hydroseq,
LevelPathI %in% outlet_wb_int$LevelPathI)
outlet_fl <- rbind(outlet_wb_int, ds_fl)
# Cast flowlines within NHDHR waterbody to point
WB_FL_pnts <- outlet_wb_int %>%
st_cast("POINT") %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
mutate(pnt_id = row_number()) %>%
# Determine which points intersect waterbody
WB_outlet_pnts <- WB_FL_pnts[lengths(st_intersects(WB_FL_pnts, WBs_HR)) > 0,] %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
mutate(within_wb_id = row_number()) %>%
filter(within_wb_id >= max(within_wb_id)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(WBAREACOMI, orig_pnt_id = pnt_id, within_wb_id)
# Deriv new linestring by concating points from most upstream point
# within waterbody to downstream so we can split at FL/waterbody
# nexus
outlet_FL <- WB_FL_pnts %>%
inner_join(WB_outlet_pnts, by = "WBAREACOMI") %>%
select(WBAREACOMI, pnt_id, orig_pnt_id, within_wb_id) %>%
filter(pnt_id >= orig_pnt_id) %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
summarize(do_union = F) %>%
# now run the intersection with the modified flowline
outlet_pnts <- sf::st_intersection(outlet_FL, WBs_HR) %>%
st_cast("POINT") %>%
group_by(WBAREACOMI) %>%
filter(row_number() == max(row_number(), na.rm = T)) %>%
# Derive the events
hr_events <- get_flowline_index(nhd_wb, outlet_pnts) %>%
inner_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd_wb), COMID, WBAREACOMI), by = "COMID") %>%
mutate(event_type = type) %>%
cbind(select(outlet_pnts, geom)) %>%
wb_events <- rbind(wb_events, hr_events)
} else {
wb_events <- get_flowline_index(nhd_wb, outlet_pnts) %>%
inner_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd_wb), COMID, WBAREACOMI), by = "COMID") %>%
mutate(event_type = type) %>%
cbind(select(outlet_pnts, geom)) %>%
# For inlet points its alot easier for both NHDARea and NHDHR
} else {
start_pts <- get_node(nhd_wb, position = "start") %>%
inlet_FL <- nhd_wb[lengths(st_intersects(start_pts, WBs_layer)) == 0,] %>%
rbind(filter(nhd_wb, Hydroseq %in% .$DnHydroseq,
LevelPathI %in% .$LevelPathI))
inlet_ls <- inlet_FL %>%
group_by(LevelPathI) %>%
summarize(do_union = T)
inlet_pnts <- sf::st_intersection(inlet_ls, WBs_layer) %>%
st_cast("POINT") %>%
group_by(LevelPathI) %>%
filter(row_number() == min(row_number())) %>%
wb_events <- get_flowline_index(nhd_wb, inlet_pnts) %>%
inner_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd_wb), COMID, WBAREACOMI, LevelPathI), by = "COMID") %>%
mutate(event_type = type) %>%
inner_join(select(inlet_pnts, LevelPathI), by = "LevelPathI") %>%
select(-LevelPathI) %>%
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