This is a workflow for transforming the CONUS404 daily zarr dataset into a [STAC collection]( We use the [datacube extension]( to define the spatial and temporal dimensions of the zarr store, as well as the variables it contains.
To simplify this workflow so that it can scale to many datasets, a few simplifying suggestions and assumptions are made:
1. For USGS data, we can use the CC0-1.0 license. For all other data we can use Unlicense. Ref:
2. I am assuming all coordinates are from the WGS84 datum if not specified.
# When writing data to Zarr, Xarray sets this attribute on all variables based on the variable dimensions. When reading a Zarr group, Xarray looks for this attribute on all arrays,
#### user input needed - you will need to copy all of the dimensions from above into the dict and fill in the appropriate attributes(type, axis, extent):
# spec says that the keys of cube:dimensions and cube:variables should be unique together; a key like lat should not be both a dimension and a variable.
# we will drop all values in dims from vars
# Microsoft Planetary Computer includes coordinates and crs as variables here: