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1 merge request!22add cprep sample workflow and fixes to alaska workflow headers
%% Cell type:markdown id:6c10e07b-1e60-4926-af1d-fa75dc78e5d4 tags:
# CONUS404 Daily Zarr -> Collection Exploratory Workflow
This is a workflow for transforming the CONUS404 daily zarr dataset into a [STAC collection]( We use the [datacube extension]( to define the spatial and temporal dimensions of the zarr store, as well as the variables it contains.
To simplify this workflow so that it can scale to many datasets, a few simplifying suggestions and assumptions are made:
1. For USGS data, we can use the CC0-1.0 license. For all other data we can use Unlicense. Ref:
2. I am assuming all coordinates are from the WGS84 datum if not specified.
%% Cell type:code id:201e0945-de55-45ff-b095-c2af009a4e62 tags:
``` python
import pystac
from pystac.extensions.datacube import CollectionDatacubeExtension, AssetDatacubeExtension, AdditionalDimension, DatacubeExtension
import xarray as xr
import cf_xarray
import os
import fsspec
import cf_xarray
import hvplot.xarray
import pandas as pd
import json
import numpy as np
import metpy
import as ccrs
import cfunits
import json
%% Cell type:markdown id:20b00e88-5a13-46b3-9787-d9ac2d4e7bd6 tags:
## Open up NHGF STAC Catalog
%% Cell type:code id:adf6c59d-58cd-48b1-a5fd-3bb205a3ef56 tags:
``` python
# define folder location where your STAC catalog json file is
catalog_path = os.path.join('..', '..', 'catalog')
# open catalog
catalog = pystac.Catalog.from_file(os.path.join(catalog_path, 'catalog.json'))
%% Cell type:markdown id:996e60ba-13e4-453a-8534-e62ce747f0fa tags:
## Collection Metadata Input
%% Cell type:code id:482d204d-b5b6-40e5-ac42-55b459be1097 tags:
``` python
# name for STAC collection
collection_id = 'conus404-daily'
# description of STAC collection
collection_description = 'CONUS404 40 years of daily values for subset of model output variables derived from hourly values on cloud storage'
# license for dataset
collection_license = 'CC0-1.0'
%% Cell type:markdown id:116b5837-8e85-4ae7-964a-803533ded714 tags:
## Asset Metadata Input
%% Cell type:code id:dd6fa323-132a-4794-8c80-576933f547a0 tags:
``` python
# url to zarr store that you want to create a collection for
zarr_url = 's3://hytest/conus404/conus404_daily.zarr/'
# define keyword arguments needed for opening the dataset with xarray
# ref:
xarray_opendataset_kwargs = {"xarray:open_kwargs":{"chunks":{},"engine":"zarr","consolidated":True},
"xarray:storage_options": {"anon": True, "client_kwargs": {"endpoint_url":""}}}
# description for zarr url asset attached to collection (zarr_url)
asset_description = "Open Storage Network Pod S3 API access to collection zarr group"
# roles to tag zarr url asset with
asset_roles = ["data","zarr","s3"]
%% Cell type:code id:e1441cd4-e94c-4902-af46-8f1af470eb6b tags:
``` python
# url to zarr store that you want to create a collection for
zarr_url2 = 's3://nhgf-development/conus404/conus404_daily_202210.zarr/'
# define keyword arguments needed for opening the dataset with xarray
# ref:
xarray_opendataset_kwargs2 = {"xarray:open_kwargs":{"chunks":{},"engine":"zarr","consolidated":True},
# description for zarr url asset attached to collection (zarr_url)
asset_description2 = "S3 access to collection zarr group"
# roles to tag zarr url asset with
asset_roles2 = ["data","zarr","s3"]
%% Cell type:markdown id:b213b74f-ad17-4774-93b6-3b62be616b45 tags:
## Data Exploration
%% Cell type:code id:708f2cf5-79ab-49af-8067-de31d0d13ee6 tags:
``` python
# open and view zarr dataset
fs2 = fsspec.filesystem('s3', anon=True, endpoint_url='')
ds = xr.open_dataset(fs2.get_mapper(zarr_url), engine='zarr',
backend_kwargs={'consolidated':True}, chunks={})
%% Cell type:markdown id:0bc7e9b3-ad62-4b10-a18e-66b7ed2d35dc tags:
## Identify x, y, t dimensions of dataset
May require user input if dimensions cannot be auto-detected.
%% Cell type:code id:ab91268f-7200-4cb1-979a-c7d75531d2c0 tags:
``` python
dims_auto_extract = ['X', 'Y', 'T']
def extract_dim(ds, d):
dim_list =[d]
assert len(dim_list)==1, f'There are too many {d} dimensions in this dataset.'
dim = dim_list[0]
except KeyError:
print(f"Could not auto-extract {d} dimension name.")
print("Look at the xarray output above showing the dataset dimensions.")
dim = str(input(f"What is the name of the {d} dimension of this dataset?"))
assert dim in ds.dims, "That is not a valid dimension name for this dataset"
print(f"name of {d} dimension: {dim}\n")
return dim
dim_names_dict = {}
for d in dims_auto_extract:
dim_names_dict[d] = extract_dim(ds, d)
print(f"Dimension dictionary: {dim_names_dict}")
%% Cell type:code id:fd580276-82fe-4b00-808e-0bfa10998a1e tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id:810d7480-165d-41c0-bd09-163656a14003 tags:
## Get crs info
%% Cell type:code id:b03d52f3-1367-4255-a561-52ee4fc9e92d tags:
``` python
ds = ds.metpy.parse_cf()
crs = ds[list(ds.keys())[0]].metpy.cartopy_crs
%% Cell type:markdown id:8fbfecfb-9886-4d06-a34c-6471cb0a6053 tags:
## Plot a map
%% Cell type:code id:4eb4d027-4266-4a0b-8f16-bacfbef06242 tags:
``` python
# plot a map of a single variable
var_to_plot = 'SNOW'
da = ds[var_to_plot].sel(time='2014-03-01 00:00').load()
da.hvplot.quadmesh(x='lon', y='lat', rasterize=True,
geo=True, tiles='OSM', alpha=0.7, cmap='turbo')
%% Cell type:markdown id:5e057a6c-06fb-4406-823b-e81c58e520e4 tags:
## Plot a time series at a specific point
This can help you verify a variable's values
%% Cell type:code id:c7de2681-88c2-4597-857c-8f169c596f8b tags:
``` python
# enter lat, lon of point you want to plot time series for
lat,lon = 39.978322,-105.2772194
time_start = '2013-01-01 00:00'
time_end = '2013-12-31 00:00'
x, y = crs.transform_point(lon, lat, src_crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # PlateCaree = Lat,Lon
da = ds[var_to_plot].sel(x=x, y=y, method='nearest').sel(time=slice(time_start,time_end)).load()
da.hvplot(x=dim_names_dict['T'], grid=True)
%% Cell type:markdown id:a8c3ed37-8564-400b-a7fb-25bd5e43d21c tags:
## Create Collection Extent
%% Cell type:markdown id:69f0d837-68a5-4fed-9a14-5d75cfbb0da4 tags:
### Spatial Extent
%% Cell type:code id:d46805e0-8e94-4ebe-aa01-d9a2d7051459 tags:
``` python
# pull out lat/lon bbox for data
# coordinates must be from WGS 84 datum
# left, bottom, right, top
# Note: I'm not sure why but I have some trouble getting the data type right here -
# I've included all the options I've had to run to get it to not be a regular float rather
# than a numpy float below - switch the commented line if you have this issue
#coord_bounds = [,,,]
#coord_bounds = [,,,]
coord_bounds = [,,,]
# create a spatial extent object
spatial_extent = pystac.SpatialExtent(bboxes=[coord_bounds])
%% Cell type:markdown id:a04c8fca-1d33-43ac-9e2b-62d7be2887f7 tags:
### Temporal Extent
%% Cell type:code id:41a84995-867c-4152-8c57-85e3758bbb77 tags:
``` python
# pull out first and last timestamps
temporal_extent_lower = pd.Timestamp(ds[dim_names_dict['T']].data.min())
temporal_extent_upper = pd.Timestamp(ds[dim_names_dict['T']].data.max())
print(f'min: {temporal_extent_lower} \nmax: {temporal_extent_upper}')
# create a temporal extent object
temporal_extent = pystac.TemporalExtent(intervals=[[temporal_extent_lower, temporal_extent_upper]])
%% Cell type:code id:1b1e37c4-5348-46ad-abc9-e005b5d6c02b tags:
``` python
collection_extent = pystac.Extent(spatial=spatial_extent, temporal=temporal_extent)
%% Cell type:markdown id:cfb71202-03df-45b5-ac2f-0dc2ee1ab780 tags:
## Create pystac collection
%% Cell type:code id:7e96811b-95ae-406a-9728-55fc429d4e1f tags:
``` python
if catalog.get_child(collection_id):
collection = catalog.get_child(collection_id)
print("existing collection opened")
collection = pystac.Collection(id=collection_id,
print("new collection created")
%% Cell type:markdown id:a21c76e8-cd57-4eb5-a33f-7c668a3b3205 tags:
## Add zarr url asset to collection
%% Cell type:code id:094832af-d22b-4359-b0f6-cf687acce5cc tags:
``` python
asset_id = "zarr-s3-osn"
asset = pystac.Asset(href=zarr_url,
extra_fields = xarray_opendataset_kwargs)
collection.add_asset(asset_id, asset)
%% Cell type:code id:0c298d07-f234-4a08-986d-87f4a39e9ae6 tags:
``` python
asset_id2 = "zarr-s3"
asset2 = pystac.Asset(href=zarr_url2,
extra_fields = xarray_opendataset_kwargs2)
collection.add_asset(asset_id2, asset2)
%% Cell type:markdown id:f67cd5c9-db33-45c2-bc21-480cd67354f4 tags:
## Add datacube extension to collection
%% Cell type:code id:fc00946d-2880-491d-9b3b-3aeeb4414d6c tags:
``` python
# instantiate extention on collection
dc = DatacubeExtension.ext(collection, add_if_missing=True)
%% Cell type:markdown id:8bdd77a2-7587-485e-afb7-42af3a822241 tags:
### Add cube dimensions (required field for extension)
%% Cell type:code id:120a4914-3302-44a5-a282-0308ac84f040 tags:
``` python
# list out dataset dimensions
# When writing data to Zarr, Xarray sets this attribute on all variables based on the variable dimensions. When reading a Zarr group, Xarray looks for this attribute on all arrays,
# raising an error if it can’t be found.
dims = list(ds.dims)
%% Cell type:code id:00a18a29-fb9a-4b56-8009-493122997b16 tags:
``` python
# get x, y bounds for extent of those dimensions (required)
xy_bounds = [ds[dim_names_dict['X']].data.min().astype(float).item(), ds[dim_names_dict['Y']].data.min().astype(float).item(), ds[dim_names_dict['X']].data.max().astype(float).item(), ds[dim_names_dict['Y']].data.max().astype(float).item()]
%% Cell type:code id:0f49d6d7-9e30-4144-909b-fa1238e6c77a tags:
``` python
def get_step(ds, dim_name):
dim_vals = ds[dim_name].values
diffs = [d2 - d1 for d1, d2 in zip(dim_vals, dim_vals[1:])]
unique_steps = np.unique(diffs)
# set step - if all steps are the same length
# datacube spec specifies to use null for irregularly spaced steps
if len(unique_steps)==1:
# make sure time deltas are in np timedelta format
unique_steps = [np.array([step], dtype="timedelta64[ns]")[0] for step in unique_steps]
step = unique_steps[0].astype(float).item()
step = None
%% Cell type:code id:a20d12bf-a511-4c5e-84d0-77e2ec551518 tags:
``` python
def get_long_name(ds, v):
# try to get long_name attribute from variable
long_name = ds[v].attrs['long_name']
# otherwise, leave empty
long_name = None
return long_name
%% Cell type:markdown id:e7dc357c-91ec-49ae-83e5-400f791f9792 tags:
#### user input needed - you will need to look at the crs information and create a cartopy crs object after identifying the projection type:
reference list of cartopy projections:
%% Cell type:code id:ea452f62-5644-49b6-8a4e-7dc4f649fd1a tags:
``` python
# print ot crs information in dataset
crs_info =
%% Cell type:code id:1b1d05ff-8e43-44a7-8343-178b112c4ad6 tags:
``` python
# create the appropriate cartopy projection
lcc = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=crs_info.longitude_of_central_meridian,
# the datacube extension can accept reference_system information as a numerical EPSG code,
# WKT2 (ISO 19162) string or PROJJSON object.
# we will use a projjson, as was done by Microsoft Planetary Computer here:
projjson = json.loads(lcc.to_json())
# alternatively, I think we could do this:
#projjson = crs.to_json()
%% Cell type:markdown id:00a5e041-081d-428d-ac2e-75d16de205e6 tags:
#### user input needed - you will need to copy all of the dimensions from above into the dict and fill in the appropriate attributes(type, axis, extent):
%% Cell type:code id:5a443497-67a9-4dce-a8e9-b08d31a88223 tags:
``` python
# create a dictionary of datacube dimensions you would like to assign to this dataset
# dimension name should come from the coordinates printed above
# we do not recommend including redundant dimensions (do not include x,y if you have lon,lat)
# note that the extent of each dimension should be pulled from the dataset
dims_dict = {'time': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'temporal', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'time'), 'extent': [temporal_extent_lower.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%XZ'), temporal_extent_upper.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%XZ')], 'step': pd.Timedelta(get_step(ds, 'time')).isoformat()}),
'x': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'x'), 'axis': 'x', 'extent': [xy_bounds[0], xy_bounds[2]], 'step': get_step(ds, 'x'), 'reference_system': projjson}),
'y': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'y', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'y'), 'extent': [xy_bounds[1], xy_bounds[3]], 'step': get_step(ds, 'y'), 'reference_system': projjson}),
'bottom_top_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'z', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'bottom_top_stag')}),
'bottom_top': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'z', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'bottom_top')}),
'soil_layers_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'z', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'soil_layers_stag')}),
'x_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'x', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'x_stag')}),
'y_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'y', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'y_stag')}),
'snow_layers_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'z', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'snow_layers_stag')}),
'snso_layers_stag': pystac.extensions.datacube.Dimension({'type': 'spatial', 'axis': 'z', 'description': get_long_name(ds, 'snso_layers_stag')}),
%% Cell type:markdown id:0f277883-a3fd-425f-966a-ca2140d0ef2f tags:
### Add cube variables (optional field for extension)
%% Cell type:code id:92510876-7853-4d24-8563-c69f9012aeb6 tags:
``` python
# define functions to pull out datacube attributes and validate format
def get_unit(ds, v):
# check if unit is defined for variable
unit = ds[v].attrs['units']
unit = None
# check if unit comes from
# datacube extension specifies: The unit of measurement for the data, preferably compliant to UDUNITS-2 units (singular).
# gdptools expects this format as well
print("Unit is not valid as a UD unit.")
unit = str(input("Please enter a valid unit for {v} from here:"))
assert cfunits.Units(unit).isvalid
return unit
def get_var_type(ds, v):
if v in ds.coords:
# type = auxiliary for a variable that contains coordinate data, but isn't a dimension in cube:dimensions.
# For example, the values of the datacube might be provided in the projected coordinate reference system,
# but the datacube could have a variable lon with dimensions (y, x), giving the longitude at each point.
var_type = 'auxiliary'
# type = data for a variable indicating some measured value, for example "precipitation", "temperature", etc.
var_type = 'data'
return var_type
%% Cell type:code id:e9272931-fc0b-4f2a-9546-283033e9cde8 tags:
``` python
# pull list of vars from dataset
vars = list(ds.variables)
# drop metpy_crs coordinate we have added
if 'metpy_crs' in ds.coords:
ds = ds.drop_vars('metpy_crs')
# spec says that the keys of cube:dimensions and cube:variables should be unique together; a key like lat should not be both a dimension and a variable.
# we will drop all values in dims from vars
vars = [v for v in vars if v not in dims]
# Microsoft Planetary Computer includes coordinates and crs as variables here:
# we will keep those in the var list
# create dictionary of dataset variables and associated dimensions
for v in vars:
unit = get_unit(ds, v)
var_type = get_var_type(ds, v)
long_name = get_long_name(ds, v)
vars_dict[v] = pystac.extensions.datacube.Variable({'dimensions':list(ds[v].dims), 'type': var_type, 'description': long_name, 'unit': unit})
%% Cell type:markdown id:11ad5352-884c-4472-8864-4570a96f66e5 tags:
### Finalize extension
%% Cell type:code id:10141fd4-91d6-491d-878b-02653720891d tags:
``` python
# add dimesions and variables to collection extension
dc.apply(dimensions=dims_dict, variables=vars_dict)
%% Cell type:markdown id:615ca168-75fb-4135-9941-0ef5fe4fd1cb tags:
## Add STAC Collection to Catalog and Save
%% Cell type:code id:e2120a55-3d04-4122-a93f-29afcdb8cb1b tags:
``` python
# # helper to find items of wrong type
# d = collection.to_dict()
# def find_paths(nested_dict, prepath=()):
# for k, v in nested_dict.items():
# try:
# path = prepath + (k,)
# if type(v) is np.float64: # found value
# yield path
# elif hasattr(v, 'items'): # v is a dict
# yield from find_paths(v, path)
# except:
# print(prepath)
# print(*find_paths(d))
%% Cell type:code id:4b75791b-6b2d-40be-b7c6-330a60888fb5 tags:
``` python
if catalog.get_child(collection_id):
collection.normalize_and_save(root_href=os.path.join(catalog_path, collection_id), catalog_type=pystac.CatalogType.SELF_CONTAINED)
catalog.normalize_and_save(root_href=catalog_path, catalog_type=pystac.CatalogType.SELF_CONTAINED)
%% Cell type:code id:d6f676b5-e892-4bfb-8d73-2828addd838c tags:
``` python
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