Glacier update - adding photos
- Changed the name of the glacier viz from xray to mri.
- Added d3 functionality to show photos when highlighting a code location. We can add more non-core points later
- Changed the thumbnail of the glacier viz to a simple rendered image (no axes)
Changes Made
new thumbnail below
How to Test
- Check if updated thumbnail shows
- Check if the photo shows when the mouse is highlighted over the northernmost core location.
Related Issues
Provide links to any related issues.
Additional Notes
Include any extra information or considerations for reviewers.
Merge Request Checklists
Ensure that code changes adhere to best practices documented in
Clean the code the way Vue likes it - run npm run lint --fix
NOTE: It notes shallowReactive is defined but never used? I don't remember typing this originally. -
Document which browsers the site has been tested on: - Desktop/laptop
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Mobile device
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Desktop/laptop