Drop unused targets + fxns from Beaufort pipeline
This MR removes early exploratory code from the Beaufort pipeline.
Changes Made
Deletes unused targets and functions
How to Test
Pull changes locally. To test pipeline, open Rproject and set working directory to 'beaufortSea'
then run targets::tar_make()
. Note output species figures may not have correct font - that's documented in #44 (closed).
Review Needs
Does this MR include data processing, modeling, or visualization code that will require domain review prior to release?
Yes, and I have opened an issue to document the need for review, using the DomainReview
issue template -
Yes, and a domain review issue already exists -
Related Issues
#44 (closed) , #42 . Fixes #48 (closed)
Additional Notes
Merge Request Checklists
Code changes adhere to best practices documented in README.md
Code has been cleaned the way Vue likes it - run npm run lint --fix
If applicable, the need for future domain review has been documented in an issue -
Below section documents which browsers the site has been tested on: - Desktop/laptop
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Mobile device
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Desktop/laptop
Edited by Cee Nell