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Adds the Python code for creating two of the FireInIce visualizations.


This merge request adds the python workflows for creating the SVGs and thumbnails for the Glacial Scan and Regional Fire visualizations, as part of the Fire-In-Ice project.

In the Glacial Scan viz, the plotting function generates cross sections of the rock and ice topography along a user-specified transect. The transect is generated using a least-squares-residual line through six locations where snow/ice cores were sampled. The core locations are shown in both of the planform and cross-sectional views. Geolocated photographs are also included on the maps. On the website, users can select these photo icons to see the image in the field.

In the Regional Fire viz, the plotting function generates particle trajectories from two known wildfires in 2015 and 2016. These particle trajectories are generated from archive model runs of NOAA's HYSPLIT model. On the website, users will select one of the two fires to see all the possible trajectories of particles within a 10-day time window.

Most files are fetched programmatically by the snakemake pipeline; however, to simplify the pipeline, some files have been provided for the pipeline. These files are:

  • fireInIce/0_fetch/tmp/ Ice Thickness in Alaksa derived from the model detailed in
  • fireInIce/2_visualize/in/extent_regional_fires.shp: The shapefile that defines the extent of the regional fires map.
  • fireInIce/2_visualize/in/photo_locations.shp: The shapefile that defines the location of images taken on Juneau Icefield.
  • fireInIce/2_visualize/in/render_19010301and19010304.png: The basemap for the map in the Glacial Scan Viz. This basemap was generated in Blender using a DEM, NHD (using pyNHD), and the ice thickness data.
  • fireInIce/2_visualize/in/render_regional_fires.png: The basemap for the map in the Regional Fires Viz. This basemap was generated in Blender using a DEM, and the ice thickness data.
  • fireInIce/2_visualize/in/tdump.111986.txt and 2_visualize/in/tdump.160303.txt - HYSPLIT particle tracking outputs. Parameters were taken from this paper.

Changes Made

Initial commit of the python files.

How to Test

  1. Download miniforge and install the environment in the fireInIce directory. How to install python and environments.
  2. To create the Glacial Scan viz, run snakemake --cores 1 -s Snakefile_glacial_scan in the fireInIce directory. Check it works by looking at the 2_visualize/out/xs_19010301and19010304.png file. Viewing .png is easier than viewing .svg file; however, the .svg file is required for the website interaction. The .png should look like this:


  1. To create the Regional Fires viz, run snakemake --cores 1 -s Snakefile_regional_fires in the fireInIce directory. Check it works by looking at the 2_visualize/out/regional_fires_map.png file. The .png should look like this:


Review Needs

Does this MR include data processing, modeling, or visualization code that will require domain review prior to release?

  • Yes, and I have opened an issue to document the need for review, using the DomainReview issue template
  • Yes, and a domain review issue already exists
  • No

Related Issues

Provide links to any related issues, including open draft domain review issues.

Additional Notes

Include any extra information or considerations for reviewers.

Merge Request Checklists

  • Code changes adhere to best practices documented in
  • Code has been cleaned the way Vue likes it - run npm run lint --fix
  • If applicable, the need for future domain review has been documented in an issue
  • Below section documents which browsers the site has been tested on:
    • Desktop/laptop
      • Chrome
      • Safari
      • Edge
      • Firefox
    • Mobile device
      • Chrome
      • Safari
      • Edge
      • Firefox
Edited by Kwang, Jeffrey S

Merge request reports
