Fii fsp edits
This MR revises the text and content of the three Fire in Ice visualizations in response to FSP reviews.
Changes Made
- Edit project page text and text for all three visualizations
- Edit key messages for viz pages shown on project page and homepage
- Glacier scan viz
- Use the laptop screen layout for all desktop screens, so that images are larger
- Wildfire aerosols viz
- Adjust color gradient for particulates chart
- Add an additional set of navigation arrows
- Add horizontal black line to distinguish years
- Fine-tune layout
- Add 4th step, to separate display of hardwood biomass markers from softwoods biomass markers
- Whole site
- Add tiles for project page and related viz at base of each subpage
How to Test
Pull changes locally, run npm run dev. Review project page and the three viz pages. Please read through the text to make sure that there aren't typos. Please review the changes to the glacier scan viz and wildfire aerosol viz and confirm they align with changes requested by reviewers (as documented in the reconciliation doc).
MR t-shirt size
extra-small (e.g., update color scheme) -
small (e.g., add tooltip to chart) -
medium (e.g., add new static chart, add new pipeline output) -
large (e.g., initial data processing pipeline, interactive chart)
Timeline for review
ASAP - blocker for deployment -
Today - blocker for ongoing work -
Next couple of days -
This week -
When reviewer has availability
Review Needs
Does this MR include data processing, modeling, or visualization code that will require domain review prior to release?
Yes, and I have opened an issue to document the need for review, using the DomainReview
issue template -
Yes, and a domain review issue already exists -
Related Issues
Additional Notes
Merge Request Checklists
Code changes adhere to best practices documented in
Code has been cleaned the way Vue likes it - run npm run lint --fix
If applicable, the need for future domain review has been documented in an issue -
Below section documents which browsers the site has been tested on: - Desktop/laptop
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Mobile device
Chrome -
Safari -
Edge -
- Desktop/laptop