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Tweaks to findex global maps page

Merged Vaarre-Lamoureux, Kaysa S requested to merge kvl_findex_tweaks into main
+ 9
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ save_map <- function(type, plot, threat_category, threat_pal, height, width, dpi
#in_dat = p2_mean_weighted_threats, threat_pal = p2_viz_config hybas_habitat_types = p2_hybas_habitat_types_sf, proj = p1_proj
top_threat_plot <- function(in_dat, threat_pal, hybas_habitat_types, proj){
top_threat_plot <- function(in_dat, threat_pal, hybas_habitat_types, proj, threat_category){
processed_df <- in_dat |>
group_by(HYBAS_ID) |>
@@ -272,6 +272,12 @@ top_threat_plot <- function(in_dat, threat_pal, hybas_habitat_types, proj){
proj_sf <- st_transform(processed_sf, crs = st_crs(proj))
# make non-target threat category values NA so they are not plotted
if(threat_category != "none"){
proj_sf <- proj_sf |>
mutate(ThreatCategory = case_when(ThreatCategory != threat_category ~ NA, .default = as.character(ThreatCategory)))
pal <- threat_pal |>
select(MajorCat, pal) |>
rowwise() |>
@@ -281,11 +287,11 @@ top_threat_plot <- function(in_dat, threat_pal, hybas_habitat_types, proj){
pal == "#7A562B" ~ "#A97639",
pal == "#835192" ~ "#995EAB",
pal == "#B74F49" ~ "#963C36",
pal == "#002D5E" ~ "#002D5E"))
pal == "#002D5E" ~ "#002D5E"))
threat_map <- ggplot()+
geom_sf(data = proj_sf, aes(geometry = Shape, fill = ThreatCategory), color = NA)+
scale_fill_manual(values = pal$pal, breaks = pal$MajorCat)+
scale_fill_manual(values = pal$pal, breaks = pal$MajorCat, na.value = "gray80")+
guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2,)) +