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Fsp reconciliation: Story reorganization

Archer, Althea Anne requested to merge fsp-reconciliation into main

This page now has a simpler router (no CYOA) and a reorganized, linear story that follows the two fish and the three land managers.

My questions for the storyline:

  1. What about the title? Is the new title fitting?
  2. Should I make a set of similar images in vertical orientation for mobile?
  3. I left the funny sayings, speech bubbles, and thought bubbles off of the images for now. Would they add to the story? Things that the managers or fish are saying/thinking, especially with a nod to brevity and humor?

I still have some FSP things to reconcile, but wanted to share the main reorganization before I start too much refining.

I think I got the router cleaned up and working, but it would be good to check it and see if I got everything that can be deleted.




Edited by Archer, Althea Anne

Merge request reports
