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Text hierarchy

Cee Nell requested to merge text-hierarchy into main

Improve readability of text, legibility of fonts, and overall accessibility to story:

  • use non-decorative fonts
  • incorporate hierarchy into title vs text vs buttons to guide user
  • adjust font color selection to coordinate with image styling and overall hierarchy on page

I modified the layout of the page to impart better overall structure. This included:

  • moving references and authorship below the story, viewable upon scroll
  • reduced the number of buttons
  • made the previous and next buttons bigger and more mobile friendly
  • alternate desktop and mobile layouts so the buttons are big enough to press, and are aligned in a consistent manner regardless of text length
  • Reduced length and ordering of authorship statement. This should be Vizlab first, and does not require as detailed explanations of contributions.





Edited by Cee Nell

Merge request reports
