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accessibility: screenreader and keyboard nav

Archer, Althea Anne requested to merge dgec-components into main

This MR addresses the issues that came up during my accessibility testing (outline in #22 (closed)). Specifically,

  • Made prev/next buttons focusable and have an aria label of "next page" or "previous page"
  • Made the navigation tracker circles focusable and have aria labels that say "click to go to page xx"

Other minor changes:

  • updated disclaimer to provisional re: release guidelines
  • updated code.json to include to-be-created v1.0.0 and correct main version text/statuses
  • updated data viz to have larger fonts and better white space to look better on mobile sizes
  • small css tweaks to fit better on small mobile screens

What focus on navigation tracker circles looks like:


What focus on the next/prev buttons looks like:


Merge request reports
