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Choose your own adventure

Cee Nell requested to merge CYOA into main

The goal of this MR is to implement the choose-your-own-adventure style navigation to go through the different outcomes. Changes:

  • Added buttons to the frame with id 'chooseYourOwnAdventure'. Used App.vue to define global CSS settings for buttons


  • Pressing any of the buttons provides the id of the selected step (from content.json). This appends the selected step sequence to the end of the current step and moves to the next step.

  • slight restructuring of content.json so intro, warm, cold, and hot steps are grouped and can be used in the dynamic selection process. each selection has ~3 steps and these are ordered based on the current step index and the provided orde rin content.json

Review to confirm the buttons appear, and that when you press one it takes you to that section. The next MR will work to complete the sequence, so that the user is taken to all of the options, or alternatively can scroll through them to the end.

Edited by Cee Nell

Merge request reports
