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Dendrogram open on load

Cee Nell requested to merge smooth-expand into main

I was able to get the determinant level open on load. I had a harder time showing just the demographic characteristics open, so let's go with this instead. I think it gives more space to this visual anyways, which is nice

on desktop:


on mobile:


I made a few other edits to improve the readability of labels:

  • wrapped dimension names with 2 words across 2 lines so that there is more space along the x axis for the determinant and indicator names
  • added aria labels for screen readers
  • worked on spacing and warpping for indicator labels. it's still imperfect, but better. The main issue is that if some indicators are expanded the label might overlap with the determinant:


As long as this works, go ahead and merge it in after you've reviewed it

Merge request reports
