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Edits from Joe

Azadpour, Elmera requested to merge cost-center-edits into main

This MR addresses comments Joe made on the site for IPDS cost center approval (see here for Joe's detailed comments).


  1. Updates two hyperlinks that were not opening in a new tab
  2. Dendrogram is updated the explainer image to have users be directed to click on the label itself (explainer image update to come from Althea) and nodes have white outlines now
  3. Accordion text has been updated to break map descriptions into more clear language
  4. Stick with Hispanic and drop Latino mention to remain homogenous with Census variable and throughout site
  5. define plumbing poverty in Hispanic accordion
  6. update census maps so percent maps have % in legend labels, and maps that display monetary values display $ in legend labels
  7. added source credit to Alaskan elders image
  8. updated language used re: Dangerous metals sources to be more based on historical sources of dangerous metals
  9. lighten grey color of beeswarm legend box and dendrogram explainer box - match them as well

Note: I have another MR addressing comment 10 re: tooltip issue

  1. Update Drakes and others 2024 citation now that paper is published:
Edited by Azadpour, Elmera

Merge request reports